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She sat quietly, stewing in her own thoughts.
The more she thought, the angrier she became.
A gentle touch on her shoulder made her scowl in disgust.
What do YOU WANT, her look said more than her words.
Trying to contain the monster she inhaled sharply.
Swallowing hard she choked on the rage stuck in her throat.
Unable to breath anger began spilling from her lips.
Uncontrollable words and hot fire burned her victim.
Her tongue cut like knives to the undeserving young one.
Tears streamed from her eyes as she tried again to calm the storm.
She watched as his hopeful little face fell into sadness.
His shoulders drooped as he sulked away, crying quietly.
Her heart broke as she watched him leave.
She hadn't wanted to unleash the demon upon him.
He never deserved such foul play.
Her spirit continued to fade as she allowed the rage to consume her.

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