Wonder Woman

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I remember one day I had to pay a fine.
There wasn't much time as I frantically ran through the rain.
Everyone directing me everywhere but there where I needed to be.
Finally I found him.
They were there, the boys in blue.
Conversing among themselves as I ask one more time.
Oh, yes I know where that is one says with a twinkle in his eye.
All the way across town, with only 10 minutes to spare. You better hurry Wonder Woman.
Looking down at my jacket wearing my favorite super hero, they laugh.
If anyone can do it, Wonder Woman can.
Laughter followed me down the hall stinging my eyes as I sprint back into the rain.
Their ignorance breaking my heart.
To serve and protect find humor in my plight.
I made it across town and back in less time that was required.
Walking up calmly this time, their eyes wide with disbelief.
Well, well Wonder Woman made it after all.
In silence I pay my fine, collecting my love.
Leaving them to wonder how.

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