Black Sheep

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A lost little girl,
Compared to everyone,
Feeling like nothing.
Surrounded by those who say they love her,
Yet every chance they get, they put her down.
Why can't you be more like her?
Be less like you.
She's so super
And you are so average
Hey mom, I'm second in my class,
That's nice, still not first though.
Mom, I'm graduating from college, even after having to work several jobs to pay for it.
Yes, that's great, you know she graduated early, it took you an extra year.
Mom, I found true love!
What's love? You need a man with money.
Hey mom, I'm pregnant.
What! No! Are you sure? Oh my God, what are you going to do?
Mom, I'm graduating graduate school with a 4.0.
That's great but when did you say you were getting a better job?
Hey mom, I finally got my dream job!
That's all you will be making? Maybe you should try something else.
Finally, she realized,
There was no pleasing the displeased
And the black sheep began to live for herself.

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