Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I wake up and the sun is shining brightly on my face. I nudge Frankie but he is still dead from the world in a dream. I quietly make myself some breakfast and go and eat it outside. Today I spend the day at the pool with Jai and Frankie. Mom has gone into work today hopefully she will enjoy it. There are actually quite a lot of people asking for autographs and photos at the pool so we end up going to a private pool.

“This pool is luxury” I say astonished by it. “Yay” Frankie shouts jumping straight in. Jai sits with me sunbathing for a while as Frankie is just lengthening up and down the pool. After a while Jai and I decide to join Frankie. Jai and Frankie get on really well which is great. We all go for a manicure after (Jai and Frankie have men’s one of course) but I have a full on one. In the end we unravel back at mine. We spend the night watching movies (like planned) and I miss my studio session (I did ring my manager and he was fine with it)

That night Jai stays with me. It is the first night where he has stayed at mine. Because I stayed at his previous. I feel relaxed knowing his crazy brothers can’t walk in on us like they usually do. I think he feels the same way. I can’t really describe what happened this night. But we did it. “It” meaning it. You know. Jai is perfect I can’t even. Our relationship is so strong and special I just.

The next day at the studio I spend the whole day instead of just the evening because I have it free why not try get nearer to finishing my album anyway this evening Jai is taking me out to dinner so I need to not be here this evening. “Ariana we could actually have a date for your album coming out” My manager says smiling “Really?” I squeal with excitement because I have been working towards this my whole life and my fans are fed up with “soon” haha. “Yeah maybe 3rd September” My manager says happily “that is so soon!” I say happily. “Yeah well look how close you are to finishing!” he says. I smile and continue recording.

Okay it is official we decide that 3rd of September is going to be the date for my album release. It’s still a little while away but yet we still have a few things to do. And I would to go on a listening session’s tour where I can let people get a feel for my album. I suggest this to him and he says that he is already planning it out and omg I will have my own tour bus. I can’t hold my excitement.

I ring Jai to happily tell him the news. “Jai my album is coming out September 3rd and I am going on a tour and I will have a tour bus and omg you have to come on it with me” I explode down the phone to him. “Ariana! This is so exciting. I’m so proud of you. Of course I will come on the tour bus with you” Jai says excitedly for me. “I am so happy” I tell Jai “So am I” he says. “And can’t wait to see you tonight” he adds “Me too” I smile. “So I will come pick you up at 6pm?” Jai asks “Yes” I confirm.

I get a taxi home like usual but I stop of at topshop first because I want to buy a dress epically for tonight. I cheerfully take photos and hug and sign things for fans. I feel so great that I don’t even mind the paparazi’s and the interviewers who ask me countless amounts of questions. So my plan for just buying a dress went a little down hill and I bought loads of clothes and spend loads of times doing stuff with fans. I got home at 5pm and I know I have an hour till Jai comes. I have a real quick shower to freshen up and start with my hair. I do it in a different style which takes me a while and I quickly shove my new dress on and some nude heels (like usual) then I apply loads of makeup and have about 5 minutes to spare.

When Jai comes we go to this posh little restaurant in town and he is determined that he will pay for both our meals although I want to pay I know Jai won’t give up so in the end I let him. We spill wine and blame in on the people next to us. That was really funny. We spend the whole evening at the restaurant happy in each other’s company. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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