Chapter 2

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I spend the whole evening spending well needed family time with my mum and brother. I feel so overwhelmed that I complete forget about needing to watch the janoskian's videos that have this mysterious ‘Jai’ in. I think to myself a smile creeping onto my face. “I’m going to bed” I mumble pressing my hand to my mouth and pretending to yawn. “goodnight” Frankie and Joan sync. I smile and leave the room.

Logging onto my laptop I check Jai’s twitter page and I see loads of depressing tweets like “My future wife Ariana will never even know I exist” “Ariana is never going to love me, I am so stupid” “Why can’t my princess just atleast see my tweets? She means everything to me” “I love you Ariana :’(“ all these tweets bring tears to my eyes. I really want to be with this guy Jai, he seems to care about me. No one has ever dedicated like 1000 tweets saying they love me. But I am still getting over my last break up. It was dreadful I don’t know if I can trust anyone ever again. But Jai seems different I don’t know why.

I wrack my mind with things to tweet him but I give up, I honestly don’t know anything about him and am clueless about what I should say to him. I press the YouTube link in his profile and start watching his videos. I don’t notice the time or how much I am laughing. I am definitely falling head over heels in love with him. Before I can stop myself I go onto his profile and tweet “I love you J” when I realise what I have stupidly done I try and delete the tweet but it’s too late he is going crazy with happiness and his fanboy tweets are making me smile so much but then I press back into my mentions and I see loads of hurtful hate from fans. I can’t believe my eyes.

Tears start streaking down my face and I start to cry more. All these things they are saying is very hurtful without a second through I press the delete to the tweet I sent. But to my complete surprise hundreds of people have already taken screenshots and are sending them everywhere. Looking onto Jai’s profile again I notice he is no longer fanboying. He is tweeting to the haters to back off of me. “I appreciate you are sticking up for me mate but please back off my girl” “you can’t speak” “shut up cu**” “Leave her alone” “I will beat you up” He is sticking up for me?

I know I can’t tweet him again because it would cause more hate and regret of me posting it. I will DM him I think with my cunning plan and then no one can see our conversations. Unless he posts screenshots.. would he dare? He seems to care about me. But then I have only known him for a day and not even properly know him yet, I hope I can get to know him though. As I write in the DM box “Hey Jai, thanks for sticking up for me. I guess I shouldn’t tweet you because it would cause more drama but thanks and I would like to get to know youJ” I press send before I can backout of it.

A sense of regret fulfils me as I wait and wait for a reply from him but nothing happens. He is still tweeting but he isn’t tweeting about me or sticking up for me. He isn’t tweeting anything mean but I feel like I have been stabbed. I look through his tweets franticly and notice he deleted all the tweets from earlier. I just break down in tears. Why do I always fall for guys to easily and too deeply? I cry myself to sleep.

“Wake up Ariana” Joan shouts “you have shooting in a hour.” with that I wake up in a startle “why didn’t you wake me up?” I scream at mum. “I am going to be late” and then I remember last night and want to break down in tears again. Running into the bathroom I get such a shock when I look into the mirror and see makeup smeared everywhere on my face.

(sorry for any mistakes) Will be posting the next chapter next sunday! Please comment and tell me what you think? thank you for reading! 

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