Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

I feel so tired from a hard day of working on set I just think I need something or someone to make me happier as working so hard tires me and slightly depresses me. “Liz do you want to come over later?” I say cheerily. “Urrg, sorry Ariana I can’t I have lots of run through for tomorrow to get on with” Liz says while running off. “Okay okay” I mumble feeling down. I have a whole evening to myself I don’t know what to do, maybe I will just tweet and listen to music, my fans always know how to cheer me up! I chant inside my head smiling a little.

Grabbing a sandwich from the table top on the side I run up my little flat stairs and into my bed room I log into my laptop and hold my phone in my hands looking through my mentions. Then I see it, it stands out for some reason. A guy called Jai Brooks has tweeted me saying something about me being his future wife. I mean quite a few people have asked me like fans jokingly but I don’t know, part of me felt like I would regret just ignoring this tweet. Pressing reply I just don’t know what to write what if he takes it seriously or something. Creeping onto his twitter profile I stalk his twitter a little, he isn’t verified but in his bio he says he is a janoskian? What even is that? He says to check out his videos. I can do that later then.

Seeing his tweets he has written loads about ‘Ariana’ and that is me. “Hmmm” I say quite loud thinking about how sweet the stuff he is saying is. Does he really mean it? He seems adorkable. “Ariana, dinner is ready” Joan shouts from downstairs. “Coming” I say rolling my eyes and taking one last look at his profile before I shut my laptop down. “Why do you look so happy?” Joan wonders smiling at Ariana. “No reason” I say even though I think I have just fallen in love. “No, come on tell me” Joan teases. “Nothing” I repeat. I can’t tell mum that I think I am falling for someone who I haven’t met and hardly heard of, probably won’t even meet him. “Okay” Joan moans. We both eat dinner without another word.

Giving us both a startle someone bursts through the door. “Aye” the voice shouts. “Hello?” I say peering through the crack in the kitchen door and to my surprise I see my brother. “Frankie” I scream with joy running up to him and hugging him, we both tumble straight to the floor. “Hello sis” Frankie says grinning. “What are you doing here?” I am still laughing from the shock. “I got the weekend off and I thought I would come see my family” “oh Frankie” Joan says giving him a gentle hug. 

(Sorry this first chapter is short and not intresting, it is just an intoroduction). :) sorry for any mistakes I may have made. Please comment below and tell me feedback. #MuchLove <3

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