Chapter 30: After all I did.... You love me?

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Grace's P.O.V.

I'm really upset and angry. Mostly sad though. I might not ever get to see my sister again. Only one hour 'till they pull the plug. I wish Niall were here, but he got kicked out of the hospital.

Everyone is sitting on the small couch in the room. Harry holds my hand and we all huddle together, praying for her to wake up. Tears roll down all of our cheeks. Ann is the one who helped save the boys' lives.

"We only have thirty minutes until we determine whether to pull the plug or not." The doctor says.

We all sit there for twenty more minutes. Only ten to go. Please wake up, please. Ann looks miserable. If I didn't know any better, I would say she herself knew what was happening. Maybe she wants to wake up, but she can't.  Maybe she's too weak. Maybe it's like Snow White, Niall needs to kiss her to wake her up. Who knows?

Niall's P.O.V.

My heart rate quickens as the clock ticks closer and closer to they time they are going to pull the plug. Tears sting my eyes as my mind wonders back to the time when she was awake.

I remember the first moment I saw her. I was sitting tied up in the basement of Melanie's house and she just walked down those stairs like if anyone got in the way of what she was trying to do she was going to beat the crap out of them.

She was so pretty in that black suit she wore. Her hair was falling over her shoulders perfectly and she came over to me first and untied me. I just wanted to kiss her right there but I knew I couldn't. Her eyes were gleaming and she smelled amazing.

They led us out of there and I found out that she acted very tough. Then as they led us to their house I saw a side of her that was different a side that was broken and needed to be fixed, a side that was timid and fragile, a side that was taped back together but was slowly falling apart, a side that needed someone to hold it together, a side that needed someone to hold her at night and love her like never before, and I wanted to be that someone.

When we kissed for the first time I felt like I was on top of the world. When I was shot in the back and she cleaned it I really felt like she cared about me.

My heart broke when she pulled out that gun and pointed it at me. It wasn't her actions that made my heart break, it was the look in her eyes. The look that all hope had gone.

As she started to talk her eyes became glassy and she started to shake. Then I saw her press the gun to the side of her head and say that she loved me. I couldn't let her do it. I couldn't let her shoot herself, I love her too much to let her do that.

So I ran and knocked the gun out of her hand. It was like slow motion as it went off when it hit the floor. The bullets bounced off the wall and hit her.

I don't want to remember any more it's too painful.

Two minutes until they pull the plug, two minutes until I die.

Suddenly my phone rings. I look down and see that the caller ID is Harry. Did they pull the plug early?

"Hello?" I answer as I press the gun to the side of my head.

"There is someone you might want to talk to here." He says.

I listen as he hands the phone to someone.

"Hello?" I ask after the sound stops.

"Niall." I hear her sigh.

"Ann, oh my gosh you woke up." I say. "I'll be there in five minutes."

I hang up and put away the gun in the safe.

Minutes later I run into Ann's room.

"Niall thank goodness you're here. She woke up just before they were going to pull the plug and she said that she won't talk to anyone until you get here." Grace says.

I walk over to her bed where she is laying.

"Hi, Darlin'." I whisper.

"Hi Niall." She whispers back.

I gently stroke her hair as I lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips.

"You woke up." I say. Small tears run down my cheeks. "I missed you."

She smiles up at me and wipes away my tears.

"I missed you too." She says.

"It's so good to see your eyes again and hear you voice. You have no idea how much I love you." I sigh.

"I love you too." She whispers.

Suddenly a doctor walks into the room and sees me.

"Sir you aren't supposed to be here." He says as he looks at me. "You will need to leave now."

I glance down at Ann, her eyes wide.

"Please leave or I will have security escort you out." The doctor says sternly.

I feel Ann's hands slowly take mine and hold on tightly.

"No, you can't make him leave. Please." She says softly.

"Miss he needs to leave. He was not supposed to come back in here." The doctor snaps.

She tightens her hold on my hands and says, "This is the first time I have gotten to see him in a year. I love him, so much and it's going to kill me inside if I don't get to spend some time with him."

Her eyes are wide and her bottom lip is trembling.

 The doctor sees this and shakes his head then leaves the room.

"We'll leave you two alone for a while." Grace says and then her and the boys walk out of the room.

I pull a chair up to the bed so I can sit.

"No." Ann says.

She sits up wincing slightly and slides her legs off the side of the bed. I hold her steady as she stands up. She glances up at me and then buries her face in my chest and wraps her arms around my neck.

 I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly.

I feel her shaking as she sobs softly into my shirt.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She cries.

"What are you sorry for?" I ask as I gently stroke her hair.

"For trying to kill you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for almost killing myself for you." She sniffles.

 "Shhhh, it's okay. Everything is okay now. Everyone is just fine." I coo to her.

"Please forgive me?" She asks very quietly.

"Yes, I forgive you. I will always forgive you." I answer. "In fact I have something for you."

I pull away from her and slowly kneel down. I reach into my pocket and pull out the ring. It's not going to be a promise ring any more. It's going to be an engagement ring.

"Ann, I love you will all my heart. You saved my life and I could never thank you more. You all most gave up your life so I could live and I would do the same. I know how many times you have been hurt by people and how many times your heart has been broken. But that will never happen again as long as you are with me. After all you did, I love you. So will you marry me?" I ask.

I watch her face as I hope that she answers with a yes.

"After all I did," She gasps, "You love me?" She asks in a whisper.

"I love you with all my heart." I answer.

She drops to her knees in front of me and cups my cheek in her hand.

"I love you too." She breaths.

She leans in and presses her lips to mine. As we kiss I hear the door open and six people walk in very quietly. I ignore them and keep my attention on Ann. We pull apart slowly and I lean my forehead against hers.

"Yes." She breaths with her breath on my lips.

Every one watches as I slip the ring onto her finger. I let her glance down at it, before I crash my lips onto her again.

We hear everyone awwww as we stand slowly.

She pulls away and smiles at me. A true smile, the smile of a person who has a great future ahead of her.

After All I Did.... You Love Me? (One Direction FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now