Chapter 23: Weird Dream

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Grace's P.O.V.

The next day we walk down the street and get some breakfast at McDonald's. Louis and Harry order the kids meal.

Once we get our breakfast, we go sit down.

I sit by myself because I'm not a morning person and I don't think they want to deal with a grumpy Grace.

I eat slowly as I think to myself about all the things that have happened in the last couple of weeks, or however long it's been since we met the guys. I can't believe I fell for Harry. I remember the first time we were alone together. He kissed me. I hated him for that. Who would've ever though I would fall in love with him after that? I guess that's just life.

I'm shaken from my thoughts when Harry comes over and nudges me. I smile up at him.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks me. He knows I don't smile in the morning. I'm always yelling at someone or something.

"Yea, I'm fine. I was just thinking about all the good times we've had together, me and you. Also all that's happened since we met. I can't believe that we'll all finally be safe. I've been scared, even though I look like I've been strong." I say as I hug him tightly.

"Yea, a lot has happened. Just know that I'll always be here for you, no matter what." He smiles and hugs back.

He takes my hand and we walk out of the restaurant.


So, here's how we plan for the day to go:

Louis will drive the U-haul and Zayn will sit in the passenger's seat.

Liam will drive the van, leaving us lovebirds in the back seats.

We promised to behave.

Each driver will have a walkey-talkey to communicate with each other to make sure everything is going alright.

That night we will sleep in a hotel and continue driving the next morning.


We walk down to the movie theater and pile in the van and U-haul.

As soon as we're in, I lay down across the seat and use Harry's lap as a pillow. I immediately fall asleep.

I don't sleep long because I wake up to Niall and Ann singing road trip songs in the back seat.

Harry sees that I'm awake and runs his fingers through my hair. He hums quietly and soothingly. I smile and doze off into a light sleep.

                                                        *  *  *

I wake up and see that Niall and Ann finally hushed up. They were sleeping against each other.

The sun was high and bright in the sky.

I glanced over the seat to see what time it was.


Not too long after, we pulled over to get some lunch. We were at Wendy's.

We all ordered a hamburger, fries, and a frosty, or however you spell it.

We put two tables together and sat down to eat.

There was a long silence, so I spoke up.

"Guys, I had a weird dream/vision. Melanie was in it. She tortured Liam, Louis, and Zayn, and murdered Niall and Harry. She locked me and Ann in a cellar and left us to die. It was horrible." I realize I started to cry a bit.

"That is awful," Liam says with concern in his voice. "Have you been thinking about Melanie lately?" He asks now.

"Well, I was just thinking this morning about all that's happened since we all met."

"Maybe it's just getting to you." He concludes.

"Yea, that's probably it." I sigh.

We finish eating and then head back on to the road.

Harry takes his shirt off because the air isn't on, just the windows rolled down.

I snuggle against his bare chest. He holds me close and tight.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Harry says.


"None of that would ever happen. Even if it does, I'll fight for you and the rest of the group. I won't let anything harm you guys. You're practically my family." He winks at me. I wonder what that meant.

My birthday was in a few days, so maybe the wink meant he was going to get me something special.

 I'm going to turn nineteen this year.

                                                                 *  *  *

 Hours pass and soon we pull into the hotel for the night. We had to get two rooms for two reasons.

1. Us lovebirds would be in one room and the other guys didn't want to see us flirt, or whatever word you wanted to use.

2. A room only has two beds and there wouldn't be enough room for all of us.

We got ready for bed and turned the lights out. Both me and Harry, and Niall and Ann whispered for a while before we went to sleep.

"I was thinking, your birthday is a few days away. I want to do something special, just the two of us. We would do it later that night after your party. I want to take you out on a proper date. You can decide where we'll go. And, I've talked with everyone else about my gift for you, and they said it was perfect."

"Really, you're going to do all that, for me?"

"Yes. I love you Grace."

I snuggle against him again and fall asleep to all the thoughts that come to my mind. This birthday is going to be the best one ever.

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