Chapter 24: A New Home and A New Beginning

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Ann's P.O.V.

Last night me and Niall talked for a bit. We talked about Harry's gift for Grace. She's gonna love it.

Now, I'm going to tell you what it is, but you have to promise not to tell. Okay, here it goes. He's going to propose to her! Well, not exactly propose. He got her a ring, a promise ring.

We all though it was a great idea. I just hope she accepts the ring, I mean, they've only been together for a few months. But, she loves him A WHOLE LOT. She probably will accept it.

So, we ate breakfast at the hotel cafe. It was awesome food. Well, for me, food is food. It's all good.

We only had about another two hours left to drive.

Before we packed and stuff, we went online to look for a house. We found a small mansion that wasn't to expensive. All the boys split the cost and bought it, not rented.

Harry didn't put his part of the money in though because he was planning on buying him and Grace a house to live in together, see if they like the idea.

                                                                 *  *  *

I yawn softly as I lean up against Niall. I have only been in the car for five minutes and I'm already bored out of my mind.

"You tired Ann?" Niall asks, looking down at me.

"Yeah I didn't sleep to well last night." I sigh. "I kept having dreams about Jason."

"Then maybe you should go back to sleep, you'll need it." He says softly as he strokes my hair.

He presses a kiss to my lips and then I snuggle up against him and lay my head on his chest. Soon I fall asleep.

                                                        *  *  *

Two hours later we arrived in Oklahoma. We pull up to our house and aw at it.

Both Oklahoma and the house was pretty.

Niall put his arm around my shoulder. "You like it?" He asks.

"I love it!" I smile.

"Good, this is our new home. A new beginning." He says.

I smile up at him.

We all get in the van and go out for lunch. We all agreed to go to Sonic.

                                                                  *  *  *

After we had eaten, we went to the house and started to unpack. We decided what every room would be used as.

We had all day to unpack. We would probably finish by day's end.

Here's all the rooms we had to unpack in:

Living room


4 Bathrooms

4 Bedrooms

A game room

Laundry room

Dining room

A guest room


15 rooms in all!! WOW!!

We split up in the same groups we were in when we had packed.

                                                                    *  *  *

It's dark out and we already had dinner. We finished packing, and let me tell ya, we almost put some of the rooms off until tomorrow. It was a lot of work.

I walk upstairs and curl into my bed that's in my new room. Well, it's Niall and I's room.

Harry and Grace sleep on the couch.

She kept asking if she would get a room, and we all replied saying, "Boy will you ever! You'll love it!"

She just shrugged, not knowing what to think of it.

Anyways, Niall slides in the bed next to me.

"We have a big day tomorrow. It's Grace's birthday. We need to go to the store and get gifts and decorations." Niall reminds me.

"Yea, I already know what I'm gonna get her, do you?" I whisper.

"Yea, I'm getting her some new flowers for her hair. She's always saying she wants every color so she can have a headband for every outfit she wears. What are you getting her?" He whispers back.

"I'm getting her a really pretty dress for her date tomorrow night. All of her dresses are old and worn out." I sigh.

"She'll love it."

"Yea." I agree.

I smile and kiss Niall before going to sleep.

I hope Grace has the best birthday ever tomorrow.

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