Chapter 8: Caught

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Ann's P.O.V.

 I watch as Grace goes back into the house. Shoot, I need to learn to keep my mouth shut. I jump out of the tree and land on my feet. I don't know how many times I have jumped out of that tree.

I walk into the house and hear yelling.

"I told you to never come in my room." Grace yells.

"I just assumed that-" Harry starts a lot quieter.

"You just assumed that just because we kissed, you can come in my room and what? Love on me?" I hear Grace yell.

"Well yes..." He says.

"Well you were wrong. I love you, but you broke the rules. You have to go under house arrest. I'm sorry. You should have seen it coming." Grace exclaims.

"I heard that." She cries out.

I guess that they kept talking, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

A while later Harry comes out of the room mopping.

"House arrest eh?" I ask.

"I guess." He sighs. "I thought that she loved me and that she wouldn't put me under it."

"Harry, hun rules are rules. You brake them and you get some consequences." I say.

A look of complete horror flies across his face. He scoots away from me.

"P-please d-don't hit me like Melanie had those boys do." He stammers covering his face with his arms and sinking to the floor in a corner.

I walk over to him and kneel down. "Harry. I would never hit you. I don't want you all to get hurt. My job is to keep you safe." I whisper.

I see that he is shaking.

"Harry look at me." I say putting my hand under his chin and carefully lifting his head up. "Did she do more then beat you guys up?" I ask. "I want to truth, now."

He nods his head solemnly.

"Did she beat you up because she was trying to force you to do something you didn't want to do?" I ask next.

He nods his head again.

"We will make sure that you or any other of the boys never go back there. You belong on stage singing to your fans and not in some basement." I whisper. "Your house arrest won't be bad I'm gonna cut you some slack. It just means that you can't go outside and you can't be alone so you have to have ether me, Grace or one of the boys with you at all times. It also means you are the last one to get food. Okay?"

"Okay." He whispers.

I reach out and give him a quick hug, but we end up staying there for a while. He buries his face in my neck and tries to quit crying. I rub his back soothingly. After a few minutes he pulls away.

"Sorry." He sniffles.

"It's okay. Do you want to help me fix dinner?" I ask.

"Sure." He shrugs his shoulders.

* * *

Two hours later I have a meal of enchiladas and tamales ready. It's the only thing that I can actually make that tastes good. I dish everyone up some and notice that Grace isn't in here.

"Niall don't eat my food. I'll be back in a minute." I say. I grab Grace's plate and take it to her room. "Knock, knock." I say, walking in.

"Go away." She grumbles.

"I brought you some food." I say.

"I'm not hungry." She mumbles.

"That's new. Your always hungry." I sit down on the bed next to her. "I heard you and Harry arguing. He wen't through more over there then you think he did." I explain.

"I don't care." She groans.

"He was afraid I would hit him. Did you hit him?" I ask.

"I punched him in the jaw and he deserved it too." She says.

"Grace he was crying earlier. Can't you tell that he is scared out of his mind? He loves you though. Through all this mess he found something good and what do you do? You hit him. I have him on a light house arrest but it's only for today and tomorrow after that, he is free." I say. "Now I'm going back to the rest of the boys. You can come with me or sit around here pouting."

I get up, leaving the food on the night stand and walk out of the room. I walk back to the kitchen and find my plate of food untouched.

"Thank-you for not eating my food Niall." I say sitting down next to him.

"It took everything I have in me not to eat it." He says through clinched teeth. "You better hurry and eat it or I will."

I laugh and eat quickly. I guess that Grace is going to stay in her room and pout. I pick up all the dishes and put them in the dish washer. I turn and see that all the boys had left except Niall.

"So Niall..." I trail off. I turn back to the dishes but peek over my shoulder and find him staring at my butt. "Uhhhhh is there anything interesting down there?" I ask trying not to laugh.

"Oh uhhhh no." He answers quickly looking away. I dry my hands and sit down next to him. "Is there something wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing." He sighs.

"There is something wrong I can tell." I say.

"I saw you and Harry earlier." He says quietly. "What were you doing?"

"I was trying to sooth him. He was upset and scared." I answer.

"So all you guys did was hug?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer plainly.

"Good." He says.

"What does it matter?" I ask.

"It-it's just that I like you. A lot and I don't think that Harry would be the right person for you, after how many times you have had your heart broken." He shrugs his shoulder.

"I would't take Harry from Grace. He is all her's. So... who is the right person for me?" I ask now.

"Maybe me." He answers. He stands up, pulling me with him.

"You really like me?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes, and I can prove it." He says.

"How?" I whisper.

"Like this." He whispers.

He leans forward. Seconds later our lips meet. With one hand he cradles the back of my head and the other slips around my waist. Sparks fly. You know I wouldn't even say sparks, more like fireworks explode.

At first he is only kissing me, but soon I end up kissing him back. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer. He pushes me against the fridge. Our lips mold together and move in sync as if they are one. Never has a kiss felt this right. Never has it felt so loving and passionate. I pull away to take a breath.

"Someone is going to see us." He whispers.

"I don't really care." I whisper back.

He kisses me again, this time he sweeps me off my feet.

"Go to my room. I won't tell anyone." I whisper. He nods and carries me down the hall with our lips still locked together. He walks in and sets me down closing the door behind him.

"Will you open up to me now?" He asks.

"You have gained my trust." I say. We kiss again. I'm falling more and more for this boy. He has won my heart a million times over.

His hands slide down my sides, sending chills up my back. After a moment I see where this is heading. I smile. Seconds later his shirt is off and he's about to take mine off.

 We hear someone gasp and pull away abruptly. I look at the door and find Grace standing there with the rest of the boys behind her.

"What are you two doing?!" She exclaims.

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