I Spun the Bottle: Chapter Eight

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I Spun the Bottle: Chapter Eight

Song for this chapter: “No Surprsie" by Daughtry

               Starting from the pit of my stomach, a wave of nausea washed over me. My hands were sweating profusely as I watched him. His eyes hazel eyes taunted me, clearly taking in my expression with pleasure. I bit my lip, finally pulling my wide gaze away from the arrogant curl of his mouth. Those were the lips that were supposed to take my first kiss, and those were the lips I absolutely, positively hated.

               Those lips belonged to one person. That person was David Stokes.

               Penny nudged me with her elbow, making me turn my eyes to her. Her eyes glinted with something I couldn’t understand. Was it sympathy or was it something else? Amused?  

              “You have to kiss him.”

               I gave a cursory glance at David, only long enough so I could still see his arrogant smirk still lying across those lips. I turned my gaze back over to Penny and shook my head to the side vehemently. “No, I can’t kiss him.”

               “You have to, Lyn. The bottle landed on him.” She urged me, a frown clearly appearing on her face.

               “No, I mean I really cannot kiss him! He’s Taylor’s boyfriend. Could you imagine what would happen if she found out I kissed him? She’d kill me.” I gulped on my last sentence, images flashing through my head of various deaths Taylor could make possible.

               Penny gave me a stern look. “You’re over-exaggerating. Look—“ she paused to gesture to Taylor’s limp body, “she’s out like a light. She won’t even know. Besides, now is a really bad time to become a chicken, Lyn.”

               I nodded my head, but the feeling in my gut didn’t waver. I knew I shouldn’t be doing this. Somehow Taylor would find out, and then it’ll be over for me. I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs! I finally let loose and this has to happen to me. Why couldn’t the bottle land on Jace? Why couldn’t the bottle land on someone else, anybody else besides David? There was a one in twelve chance of the bottle landing on Taylor’s boyfriend, and I had to be that one!

               “You’re holding the game up. Could you just kiss him already?” A girl with loose brown curls spoke up from the circle.

                “Yeah, seriously, we don’t have all night.” Another voice joined in, this time a guy's.

               I shifted my eyes over to Jace, who was watching me with a hard, unreadable expression. I wondered what he was thinking. The look in his eyes were spine tingling. Was he mad? Before I knew what was happening chanting started across the circle.

                “Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!”

               Even Penny began repeating that one line, adding to the already noisy raquet. I looked back a David; his arrogant expression was now replaced by a different one. It was like he was scrutinizing me, waiting for my choice. Cursing myself, I chose the decision that I knew I’d regret sooner or later. I scooted towards the center of the circle, gesturing David to come closer with a tentative hand.

                He obeyed.

               I could feel everything in my whole body telling me that what I was doing was not good. My instincts told me to turn around and leave, but somehow I just couldn’t do that. This was my choice, and now I had to deal with the consequences.

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