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"Niall!" I spoke happily after I picked up his phone call in my robe as I drank tea while sitting on my back porch.

"Hey Lou Lou." Niall spoke with a laugh.

God I miss my brothers laugh.

"So how are you Ni?"

"I'm great. I've got a job to help pay for the car I want."

"What job?"

"I'm working at McDonald's."

"Well I guess you'll be getting your car in a few years then."

"It won't take that long."

"Whatever you say." I chuckled. "So what's up with the rest of the family?"

"Everybody misses you like crazy."

"I miss them too." I sighed.

"Surprisingly, everybody misses Harry more."

"What? Why?"

"Because he was newer to the house and nobody got into fights with him... well except you."

"He asks for fights. He's such a jerk I tell you." I said seriously.

"So-" he said leaving it our in the open. "-how is the first week of you and Harry living together going?" he asked.

"Not so well Niall." I said calmly and sipped my hot drink.

"What?" he asked in shock. "Why? What did Harry do?"

"He's just an ass."


"Because we can't agree on anything. I told him I want silver utensils and he wants gold. Who the fuck eats with gold forks and spoons? No one. It's called silverware for a reason."

"You are seriously fighting about that?"

"Yes we are." I said sternly. "Also he wants our room to be green. No. I want our room to be grey and white. I don't want a forest for a room."

"Well maybe you should talk about it again."

"I've tried Ni. He wants everything to go his own way."

"Look." Niall huffed. "Stop whining to me and go talk to your fiance. You guys are going to be getting married and need to learn how to communicate like adults."

"But Niall-"

"-No buts. Now go."


"-Go." he spoke and then hung up.

I put the phone down on the table in front of me groaning.

Harry came through the sliding glass door then.

"What's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"Nothing Harry." I said setting my head down.

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