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That's what I hear on a day to day basis. I get it screamed at me, whispered to me, and even signed to me. Sometimes I really wish I didn't know sign language, but since I have a deaf sister, I had to learn.

My school is the only place I hear that word.

Well only one group of students call me that. Everyone else accepts me but that group. That group would be the football team.

I mean if the basketball guys, the baseball players, and the soccer people accept  me, then why can't the football team? And it's only me. They don't even make fun of my boyfriend Liam. Well I mean my boyfriend is on the basketball team, but still. Why me? I find myself asking that question a lot lately.

Why me?

But first, let me tell you about me.

I'm Louis Tomlinson. I'm 19 and a senior in high school. I'm from Miami Florida and I live in a pretty big house. I'm the oldest and get my own room in the basement, but trust me, I love it. It's sound proof.

After me is my brother Niall who we adopted from Ireland. He lives up in the attic which we turned into a loft. It's pretty damn cool up there.

Next is my sister, who after an accident became deaf. Her name is Lottie and she lives up on the second floor across from Felicitate, or Fizzy, my next younger sister, who then lives right next to my twin sisters Phoebe and Daisy who share a room.

Also on the second floor is the other set of twins which is Ernest and Doris who share a room for now. Once they grow up they will have Fizzy and the twins rooms.

Then I move on to my moms. Yes. I have two moms. I have mom which is Jay who is my biological mother and then Maura is mama. Mama wanted to adopt Niall because she can't have children and she wanted some Irish blood like her in the family. They live on the first floor so no sneaking out for me. 

But as you can tell from my moms, I'm accepted. My whole family accepts me. I'm so used to love and equality that it just breaks my heart when the football team goes and tries to tear it down. The football team is the heart of the school and at any moment they could do something to ruin my life. If they did I don't know what I'd do. They just make my blood boil. They have such perfect lives. Every single one of them. Especially the star players that have great bodies and a great face.

First off is the wide receiver, Zayn Malik. He's grown up in riches and gold. He's the one that would be wearing gold rings on every finger and gold chains that would hang down to his knees. His room I hear is like a palace on it's own. I hear he even has a wall sized safe of weed. 

Next is the running back, Calum Hood. He's grown up just like Zayn except his parents had to work for it. They didn't earn it from rich relatives.

Next is the middle linebacker, Ashton Irwin. This guy moved from Australia with his cousin, the tight end, Luke Hemmings and their rich parents that own a very famous restaurant chain. 

After them is the kicker Micheal Clifford who's parents own every tattoo shop in Miami.

But none of them beat the quarterback.

That my friend would be Harry Styles.

Harry's the one that's got it all. He's got everything you can imagine. His parents are a doctor and a lawyer. Their the type that get called to go around the world and do special projects every weekend. So what do you think Harry does?


He parties.

Harry parties every weekend. He also can shag any girl he wants. Anybody will take off their shorts for him. He's the chick magnet. He's the one that every guy wants to be. But Harry's not completely normal.

Harry's mute.

That's right. Harry can't talk. But he's so amazing that he can be mute and still have the life. Now don't judge me. I'm not saying being mute is a bad thing. I'm saying that usually kids with disabilities get left out of everything.

Oh, but not Harry.

Harry's the life and center of everything.

He's also my bully.

Harry may not be able to talk, but he sure can hit, and punch, and spit.


So there's a little taste of Black Bird. Stay tuned for Chapter One. I hope you guys enjoy the book!

Please like and comment. ~Ash

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