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"Lottie or Gemma won't talk to me." I said complaining to Niall.

"Well you did tell them they couldn't see each other." Niall shrugged as he ate his cookie.

"It's been a month. They should get over it and I'm doing them good. They shouldn't be friends. Lottie is sixteen in the middle of her junior year at high school. Gemma is 21. They don't need to be friends."

"But you know for a fact Lottie has no other ones. She's the biggest geek at her school. No one talks to her."

"It's junior year. Maybe it will be different."

"It's not going to get different. We only graduated a six months ago. You can't remember how everyone treated you after that tape? That never went away."

"Thanks for bringing that up." I said getting uncomfortable.

"Well that's my point. Lottie has no friends and that will never change."

"Well she can't be friends with someone old enough to drink, smoke, and vote."

"But she needs someone besides her own blood."

"Then let's find her someone else alright?"

"You are unbelievable."

"I know." I said and got up. "I'm going to Harry's."

"Have fun." Niall said with an eye roll before getting up and going to his room in the attic.

When I got to Harry's, Gemma opened the door and almost slammed it shut right in my face but my foot blocked it.

"I'm here to see Harry."

"I don't care." Gemma said with an 'I don't care' expression written across her face.

"Gemma come on."

"You let me see Lottie, then I'll let you see Harry."

"Lottie's to young for you."

"She is not."

"You can find a friend that's your own age."

"Louis she's important to me."

"Lottie can't be that important to you."

"Well I guess you aren't seeing Harry."

"But I need to see him."

"You can find another friend Louis."

"Harry's more then that. I need to see him."

"You don't need to. Harry can't be that important to you." she said mocking me.





"He's my lover god dammit!" I said getting annoyed.

"Lover?" she spoke shocked.


"Did you say Harry's your lover?"

Just then the door slammed open and Harry was right there.

"What are you two talking about?" he signed eager.

"Nothing." I said shaking it off.

"Yes you were. What?"

"Louis said you two were lovers." Gemma said wide eyed as she turned to her brother.

Harry just looked a bit torn.

"Harry? Is it true?"

Harry looked to me and then to Gemma.

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