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My family, Harry, and I have been in the hospital waiting to see if Gemma's okay for about three hours now.

We are freaking out.

I can't even look at Lottie or Harry right now.

If I look at Lottie I'll break because Gems was her girlfriend. Her lover. What if something like this happened to Harry? How would I be able to cope if his car flipped and crushed him inside of it like Gemma?

I can't look at Harry or I'll break as well. That was his sister that got crushed inside her car from a truck driver that fell asleep at the wheel. What if that was Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe, or Daisy?

"Harry your parents are on their way. They are almost here." mom called over to us.

Harry just nodded.

Harry's dad got arrested for smacking Harry around the night he showed up at my house but he was released since someone claimed Harry did it to himself.

They said Harry's been ill since he was little. Harry apparently has a mental illness where he hurts himself and hurts other people but claims someone else did it to him. They called him crazy. But I know he's not. His fathers a monster and one lying bastard.

They even showed the judge papers of Harry at the doctors saying their dad hit him but "as you could clearly see the cuts were self inflicted." Bull fucking shit.

My moms told me this two hours ago after we got here and settled in, also when they called his parents up.

I guess this all went down when Harry and I weren't talking.

Harry I guess has to see a therapist now.

This is all bullshit.

His father should be locked the fuck up.

I feel so bad for Harry.

Everything's going down the shit hole. He's claimed to be psychotic, his dad is free from jail, and his sisters in the hospital. I don't even know about his mom. Last I heard she turned into an alcoholic like Harry's old man.

I want to question him about it but I know he's going through way to much right now.

This all shouldn't be happening though. But it is and it all started from one homophobic person gay bashing.

"You'll be okay." I whispered to Harry since I could feel him shaking.

Harry looked at me with tired eyes.

"Lay your head on my shoulder." I said and propped it up.

Harry scooted down and laid his head on the spot I told him to lay it on. I then grabbed his hand, kissed it, and locked our fingers together, resting it on my lap.

A few minutes later Harry snatched his hand away.

I looked at him weird but he pointed behind me. I turned and saw his mom and dad entering the waiting room. I nodded at him sadly and then sat back.

"Hello Anne." mom smiled.

"Dez." Mama said trying to be friendly even though she wants to rip his throat out like me.

"Hello guys." Anne said with a small smile and Dez didn't say anything. "So how's Gemma?"

"We still don't know anything." mom said and I saw Anne's face drop.

"Come sit Anne." Dez said sitting down and dragging her down as well.

Harry scooted a tad closer to me and all I could do was send my love to him mentally.

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