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"We need to talk about this wedding." Harry suddenly spoke appearing out of nowhere as I read a book on my bed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because your moms are talking about us having kids and what not. I don't want to talk about that. So let's just start planning the wedding to get their mind off of babies."

"Why don't you want to talk about kids?"

"Because I just don't want to right now."

"Well that's apart of marriage?"

"I know, I know." he huffed sitting on our bed.

"Don't be stressed." I said closing my book and sitting next to him. "We can take as long as you need." I spoke and then kissed his shoulder.

"Thank you." he smiled. "But I do want to be married to you, like, now."

"Why the rush?"

"Well I also want space away from everybody you know? If we are going to be married I'd like a place of our own."

"You want to buy a house together?"

"Yeah Lou."

"Well we can talk to my moms about it and see if they can help us out?"

"You think they would?"

"It's one more step until babies."

"Oh shut up." Harry said rolling his eyes and getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"To the computer to look up houses for sale."

"Bring the laptop to the bed babe."

"Was planning on it!" he shouted from upstairs.

I waited for a few minutes and then he was back down with a computer, ready for us to go.

"Alright well I know my moms will let us by a two story house if we say we want lots of babies."

"I don't want them to get on that topic again."

"We won't. It's just to make them buy us a big house." I laughed.

"Okay." he nodded. "What ever you say Lou."

"I think I like that one." I said pointing to a green house that was two stories.

"I don't like that green color. It looks weird."


"Yeah." he nodded. "I don't like that."

"Well what color do you want?"

"I like this grey house."

"I don't know?" I said shrugging. "It looks too bland."

"Too bland?"

"Oh how about this one?" I said pointing to a house to get us off the topic.

"I actually like that." Harry nodded.

I looked closer at the house I pointed at and smiled.

"I like the dark chocolate color. It's really great actually." Harry smiled and then kissed my cheek.

"It says it's got four bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms."

"Want to go show your moms?"

I nodded and then we both got up and went to show them.

"Hey mama? Mom?" I called out.

Both of them came into view.

"Yeah?" mama asked.

"We want to talk to the both of you about something?"


"We want to move out." Harry said speaking up first.

"Move out? Why?"

"Because Louis and I are getting married and we need our own space. Especially if we are going to have kids in the future."

"Yeah." I nodded. "We need to build a home together."

"Well what where you guys thinking of doing?"

"Well here's a house we want to look at." Harry said giving them the computer.

They both looked through the details and nodded.

"They are having an open house today. Do you want to go and look at it?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "But by ourselves. It's going to be ours anyways."

"Alright, well I'll transfer money into your account Lou. If you boys like the house then buy it."

"Are you serious?" Harry asked surprised.

"Yeah." mama nodded. "You both are grown ups and need to be on your own with your own family."

"Well thank you." Harry smiled and then pulled me along to get dressed so we could go to the open house.

Harry and I got dressed and then we were off since it was close to 2:00 pm and the open house would be closing in a few.

Once we arrived at the house we walked inside and someone greeted us.

"How are you two gentleman doing today?" a lady asked us with a bright beam stretching across her tan face.

"We are doing great." I answered.

"Well what are you two looking for today?"

"We wanted to buy a family home. He and I are getting married soon." I said pointing to Harry and showing her my ring.

"Awe how sweet." she smiled. "Well follow me and I'll show you around."

We walked into the kitchen and loved the marble counter tops and dark wooden cabinets.

We saw the huge dining room and then giant living room that was down the hall from that.

In the living room there was wooden floors to match the rest of the house and a big glass wall on the left side that looked onto a lake.

"That's so pretty." I whispered to Harry and he only nodded.

She then lead us into the garage and washing room. Then she showed us the downstairs bathroom that didn't have a shower or anything in it.

After that we went upstairs and saw the three small rooms and hall bathroom. Then we saw the master bedroom and bathroom and fell in love with it.

"This is amazing." Harry said squeezing my hand since he was holding it.

"So that's the tour." the lady finally said ending it. "So what do you guys think?"

"We love it." I smiled.

"So are you saying you'll take it?"

"We'll take it." Harry nodded.


Sorry for such a short rushed chapter. I had writers block today and I'm sick... so boo. But I hoped you liked this chapter anyways ha. But please like and comment~ Ash

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