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"You need a shower." Niall said as I sat in the living room the morning after the wild house party Harry threw.

Lucky I didn't run into him last night.


"I know Niall. I smell like smoke and alcohol."

"Yeah. A lot of alcohol."

"It's that bad?"

"Yeah." Niall nodded. "How much did you and Liam

"I can't remember, but shit, if I have this bad of a headache, then I don't want to know. I'm only going to be disappointed in myself."

Niall frowned at me a little and then said, "You need to get cleaned off before moms' will smell you." Niall said looking at me with a little bit of worry.

"Yeah you're right." I said getting up. "I'll be back in a little while."

Niall nodded and got back to watching his program. I walked down into my basement bedroom and went to the bathroom to shower.

I got into the hot shower and just let the water run down on me. I sighed and relaxed into it.

I love showers and baths. It's the only true peace I get from the outside world. I mean Harry and his crew give me so much stress that I can't even have a moment to think to myself. But in the shower that goes away. I can be me in the shower.

I sing, I dance, I cry, I laugh, I jack off, anything really. The shower is my place. My personal happy place.

Sometimes I wish Liam could join me in here. Is it too much to ask for your boyfriend and you to do it? I would respect him if he wanted to wait until marriage, but he isn't a virgin. We've even done it a few times. I hope he isn't self conscious. I think he is beautiful and I tell him that every day.

I wish he could see himself like I see him.

I then sighed and began to wash my hair. I needed to get the smell of the party out. It was disgusting. The smoke and alcohol stench seemed to be imbedded in my skin. So, I scrubbed hard to remove the smell.

After I was done, I then got dressed and let my hair air dry since my blow dryer broke yesterday when Fizzy was being so careless with it. Maybe I should go out and buy one?

Yeah I'll do that.

"Hey Clover I'm running to the store to get a new blow dryer."

"Alright. Drive safe."

"K." I said and made my way out to the car.

I got into it, put my seat belt on, and then backed out of the drive way. I then went down my street and turned onto the main road. First I think I'm going to stop by Starbucks and get me a tea. I'm alone and I haven't gone in awhile since I don't want to pay for other people.

"Hello welcome to Starbucks. How may I help you today?" the lady on the speaker at the drive through said.

"Yes I would like your peach tea grande please."

"Will that be all?"


"That will be $4.00 at the first window."

I then pulled up and paid my money. After that it took a few minutes but I got my tea and was good to go. Target here I come.

When I got to Target it took me awhile but I found an orange one that I really liked. It was bright but not too bright and it would match my beach themed bathroom. So I got it.

I also decided to get some more shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, and razors for myself too. I then proceeded to check out.

I got back into my car and made my way back to the house.

As I was in the car, Liam called.

"Hey babe." I said into the phone after he said hello to me first.

"Hey so what are you doing this weekend?"

"Nothing much." I said getting into a turn lane.

"Okay, well do you want to come to my families BBQ get together at Sonny's BBQ tomorrow? They haven't seen you in a while and they wanted to say hey."

"Oh yeah." I smiled and then turned onto the next street. "Your dads not going though is he?"

"Nope. He's still on the business trip."

"You know I've never met him and you keep saying next time, next time? It's next time Liam."

"I know."

"And I've never even been to your house in our three years of being boyfriends."

"I know."

"Well shouldn't I be able to see your place?"

"You can, but not now."

"Liam." I said annoyed.


"You know what." I said with a huff. "You're being annoying."

"Am not." he argued.

"Why can't I see your house huh? Are you hiding something from me?"

"Of course not babe. It's just my mom's weird about guest. That's why we always go out when you come over."

"Yeah I know she's weird about that stuff but what if we were to get married and have kids? Then what? I'd like to know what my kids will be setting in when they go to visit grandma."

"Are you saying my mom's not fit enough for kids?"

"I'm saying the house might not be Liam."

"Louis, just shut up." he huffed and I then pulled my phone away from my ear and looked at it like it was fucking mental.

"Don't tell me to shut up Liam." I said once I placed it back at my ear again.

"Well stop insulting my mother."

"I'm not."

"You know, whatever Louis. I don't want to fight over stupid ass shit."

"Then stop arguing with me Liam."

"I'm hanging up now. Call me when you can be more mature and talk about tomorrows plans with me. Goodbye." Liam said and then hung up the phone.

"Son of a bitch." I cursed aloud.

I looked down at my phone and saw that he indeed hung up on me mid conversation. Jerk. Couldn't even handle an argument with me. He always walks away.

But since I was too busy looking at my phone I didn't see the on coming car and rammed into it causing me to fly forward and I was out cold.

I hope your enjoying so far :) Please like and comment! ~Ash

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