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"Harry?" I asked walking into his bedroom.

"I'm sorry I said no." Harry signed after he spotted me.

"I know why you did it."

"You couldn't possibly."

"I know your dad hits you Harry."

Harry froze.

I could see the fear instantly cloud his once sparkling eyes. I saw his had shaking. I knew this was a serious, serious problem, so I walked slow. I walked slow and with caution to him as he sat on his bed.

"Gemma told me all about it. She told me why your mute and why you were always with girls, parting, and focused on ball. I know all about it."

"Why would Gemma do that?" Harry signed with fearful eyes.

"Because I was hurt when you said no and she saw how upset I was. She figured out you lied and decided to tell me why since I care so much about you. I know we've only been together for about a month now but I can't not say no to you. I've loved you ever since the first days we really started talking and you were opening up. It was beautiful. You drew me in."

"You can't love me? I was so cruel to you."

"Deep down I knew it wasn't because of me. I knew something else had to be happening."

"But I don't love you Louis."

"Maybe not." I said shrugging as my heart stung a little. "But I know you care about me. I know you do. So I was hurt when you said no. Gemma told me the story on why you said no and you're scared. You're scared of your dad finding out. You're afraid that if you would have said yes, your dad would have known right away and hurt you worse then what he has already done, but Harry, Harry I can assure you nothing will happen. I've got you. I can take care of you. You're safe with me."

"How do you know that?" he signed as tears fell. "How do you know he won't come and murder me right here, right now?"

"Because I'm here Harry. You have nothing to be afraid of."

"It's not that easy Louis."

"I know it's not but I'll be here. Can you at least trust me on that?"

"Okay. I trust you, but only on you staying by my side."

"You better trust me."

Harry laughed.

"I love you Harry."

"And I like you Louis."

"I'll give it time." I sighed.

"Do that."

I leaned in and kissed Harry's precious lips.

I then sat down next to him.



"Back in the bathroom the first time you and I really talked. You said you hit me because I'm happy."


"You meant because I'm out and open, or is it because of your dad?"

"Yeah, both." he nodded. "And every hit or sign I ever gave you was what my dad said to me that day or did to me that day. I didn't get the boys to punch you to hard though. I couldn't hurt someone like you that bad like my old man does to me."

I sat and watched his hands move around in a shaky motion.

"I wanted someone else to the feel the pain I felt on a daily basis and I picked you. When I saw you in middle school I fell for you but I knew it wouldn't go anywhere and I knew I'd get punished. So because I couldn't have you and because you were free I picked you as my target Louis. But I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for how I did you wrong. I did you so wrong. I hurt you and made you miserable."

"Harry it's okay."

"No it's not Louis." He signed shaking his head. "I shouldn't have done that to you. Gay bashing is wrong. I should know. I should have taken it like a man. I need to take it like a man now."

"No you will not." I said as tears ran down my face from seeing Harry like this. "You will not get hit. You will run the minute your father draws a fist. You are not going to get hit again. I swear on my life I will strangle him if he ever touches you again."

"Louis no."

"You can't die Harry. You can't be killed by this man who says he's your father. I can assure you I will die before you alright?"

"Then get hit by the train after you leave because I know he's coming for me when he gets home."

"Harry." I said in a shriek. I can't think of him being dead. "Harry stay with me. You don't need to stay here with a man as cruel as satan himself."

"I can't stay with you. It will be suspicious."

"I'm scared for you." I whispered.

Harry smiled a small tight smile at me.

"Lay with me."

I laid down next to him as he got comfortable and watched the fan spin around as the room was loud with silence.

It was a deafening silence.

"Oh did you know Lottie and Gemma are a thing?" I asked trying to lighten the scary mood.

"Gems told me the night you told Lottie they could't see each other anymore." he signed with his hands above us so I could see what he was trying to say.

"Was I the only one?"

"You and your family."

"Christ." I laughed.

"Always out of the loop Lou."

"I know." I said and turned to look at him. "But I do have to go. I just remembered I have a dinner to get to with my moms tonight."

"Please stay?"

"I can't." I frowned.

"Oh, alright." he signed.

"Goodbye Harry. I'll see you soon. Stay safe." I said rubbing my thumb on his cheek.

"Alright." he smiled.

"I love you."

"I like you."

I smiled through the pain and kissed his lips.

I then turned and left.

I lied.

I don't have a dinner. I just couldn't be there with him. I know it's selfish, but I couldn't keep it together any longer. Knowing Harry gets hit, knowing Harry's scared, knowing Harry won't do anything about it, knowing Gemma has to hide, knowing their lives are hell, I just couldn't sit there in that house any longer with him. He has been through so much, and I nothing, I just couldn't do it.

Yeah I may be a baby, but my love has scars that I just can't handle it at the moment. I need time. I need time to wrap this around my head and understand the depth of Harry's story and everything I heard today. Once I do I'll come back.

Yes I promised to stay by his side but I need time first. Then I'll be there.

But for now.... I'm staying away..... far away.

Hope you enjoyed :)

Please like and comment! ~Ash

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