Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

To my dismay, my mom didn’t have much to tell me about Jennifer. She said, that her mom told her that she left with some guys and was worried about her, but that was nothing of value to me. I already knew she was mixed up with the wrong people.

Mom also told me that Jennifer’s mom had not heard from her in a week and a half and there were people out looking for her.

I didn’t tell mom that Jennifer would be coming here in case she was hiding out from someone. The less people that knew about her the better. I would not risk anything. If she wanted anyone to know her whereabouts she would tell them herself.

That night I laid in bed worrying while Kieran slept fairly soundly next to me. I was much too scared to sleep. However, after three a.m. exhaustion got the best of me and I fell helplessly into a deep state of sleep, dreaming once again of Daniel and my rejection.  The only difference this time was from the other times, it didn’t hurt me. For that I was beyond grateful. Once again Kieran had saved me.

When morning came I was alone in bed. The clock read nine forty-seven a.m. and I could hear the shower going inside the bathroom. Kieran must have woken up late as well if he was just now getting a shower.

I yawned and stretched my body as I sat up in bed. Despite my worry about my best friend, I slept fairly well. My heart clenched for her at the thought of our phone call yesterday. I hoped she was alright.

I quickly grabbed my phone off the side table by the bed to check for notifications. I had no missed calls and no text. I had to remind myself to stay calm and not worry. She said she’d be in today and I just had to trust that. Kieran knew to expect her today and warned the wolves on patrol to not attack any she-wolf that entered onto our territory without his permission. At least I didn’t have to worry about that. She wouldn’t have to go through the same thing Pierce did.

Consequently my mind wondered to him. How was he doing in his new pack? Were they treating him well? Would he come back to visit me again? Maybe I should go visit him this time. It wasn’t like he was very far away. Besides, Alpha Sawyer knows me.

A knock at the door brought me from my thoughts. I jumped in surprise. Could it be? Is Jennifer already here?

I pushed myself off the bed, still in my neon green PJ’s, and opened the door. Who I saw standing there had a little too much testosterone to be Jennifer though. I sighed in disappointment. Why would I expect her to find her way up to my room? She would clearly have to be announced upon arrival.

“Don’t look so happy to see me,” Leland teased with crossed arms and feigned hurt expression.

I instantly felt bad and perked up revealing a pleased smile. “It not that, I just thought you might be someone else.”

He took me in with amusement. “You’re certainly bright this morning. Well physically anyway. I can’t say much for emotionally.”

I frowned at him. “It was a long night. I didn’t fall asleep until late.”

He scrunched up his face in disgust. “Save me the details. I don’t want to know.”

“We didn’t do that,” I exclaimed giving his shoulder a playful shove.  “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

He smirked down at me and ruffled my already messy hair; making it worse I’m sure. “But I like having it there.”

I groaned and pushed his hand away, trying to fix the mangled mess that was my hair and sighed. It was not use. I will just have to get a shower later and dry it straight.

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