32. Way behind you today

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Before you guys start reading this chapter I suggest you brush your memory by reading chapter 27- THE PAST SOME MORE where becca peeps into a flash of memory of confronting the drunk driver who was involved in the accident of her family with the only friend she had from foster home megan, things go downside and she lands into trouble.

Here you might be able to understand why is Becca the way she is.

IMPORTANT: Graphic content contains kidnapping and physical abuse which I would suggest readers below 18  to avoid this chapter.

Don't forget to vote and comment.


The tiny water droplets started covering every inch of my body and the surrounding. The sun had set leaving behind an orange pink sky. Everything looked beautifully painful. If only my life could see this beauty which  was scarred with the death of my family. My body tensed as the locked gate of all the horrible memories was opened by my  mind.

My head was aching, my eyelids were heavy with exhaustion. I tried moving but all the hard work went futile when I realized my movements were being restricted by a rope or a string which was cutting through skin. The more i moved the more it seeped deep in my flesh causing pain. The place around smelled of urine and alcohol. It was difficult to breathe freely.

I opened my eyes with all the power I could gather to come across the most horrifying darkness. Nothing was visible, not even a ray of light. Suddenly I heard a crack of the door coming from upstairs and what little of light that flooded the place made me see where I was. It looked like a basement with all the broken furniture stashed at the corner, the place was dirty with the stink and dirt. 

My wandering eyes caught the attention of advancing footsteps along with a whimpering noise. The whimper terrified me making a shiver run down my spine like I knew I was in great danger. 

A sudden voice of a switch flipping floods the room with dull yellow light and I wa able to see a huge man with an evil grin and sparkly eyes like a vampire looking at its prey. He looked terrifying with his huge ensemble wearing dirty ragged clothes questioning his hygiene. His face was covered with a dirty black beard showing a line of yellow teeth. He was bald with bushy eyes throwing a negative aura all around. He was dragging something. 

With a loud thud he threw whatever he was holding in his left hand at the far corner opposite me and left the room heading upstairs with a creepy smile like he was enjoying the misery and helplessness I was facing.

"You will be next buttercup" He said in a deep terrifying voice while receding upstairs. I strained my eyes in the dim lit  .i strained my eyes to look at the thing he threw only to realize it was my friend megan. I was horrified to see her lifeless body. Her clothes were torn and deep cuts were visible through her body with blood mostly dried out but some were still oozing . Her mouth was covered with a cloth and her hands were tied behind her back with what I couldn't see.Her one eye was turning black and her face multiple small cuts.

 Horror masked myself when I realized she was not moving. The worst fear was dangling in front of my eyes. Was she dead? she couldn't be? What did he do to her? Oh god! I didn't know what to do. I tried calling her but only noises could reach her for I was smothered with a cloth. I tried for a long time may be an hour may be a few but she didn't move. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I cried and called her but she wouldn't move. Exhaustion fogged my vision and I succumbed to deep slumber.


I woke up to a loud banging noise. My exhaustion and empty stomach was causing every part of my body to ache including my stomach. I opened my heavy eyelids to see movement of someone but my vision was blurry because the room was still dark and only few light rays were coming from a small window above. 

"Hey! you okay?? " Someone asked while shaking my body. I winced at the painful contact and groaned. Trying hard I looked up to see a boy my age holding me up by my shoulders. I nodded in affirmation.

" She is alive Jake. Lets get her out." The boy shouted. Suddenly I was being lifted and moved. I tried voicing but muffled noises escaped my mouth.

"Shhh....sweetie everything will be alright. We are here to rescue you."

Megan? What about Megan? I thought. 

My energy was down to zero and that took a toll on my consciousness as everything went blank again.

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