14. Baby, now we've got Bad blood

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It was a  sight to see. I cannot explain how I felt, it was like suddenly my emotions went ballistic like inside out and I could feel each and every emotion yet couldn't point out at one . Kiara's house was filled with people and I would have to meet every one but that's not the worst part . The horrifying part was I knew everyone.  Even MARK. 

Kiara was holding a bottle of wine pouring the golden liquid into various glasses behind the kitchen counter with Ed besides her doing what he does best -  flirting . What a shocker ! my eyes rolled involuntarily at the sight of him . At the other end of the room was Mark's ginger head sitting chatting up with Jimmy or Jeremy ? the receptionist from the office on first floor  . And there were same old people   from accounts section who seemed to be Kiara's friends from the party few nights back  . 

In front of me was a sight that made my heart ache and my brain laugh both at the same time . Standing in front of couch were Mr. Stark and Mark wiggling their hips and singing '22' of Taylor swift to karaoke that seemed to  belong to a 12 year old teenager . My heart twisted a bit to see Mark smiling with his dimples appearing  . He looked like a Greek god with an effortless good looks , a calvin klein  model body and those sparkling eyes which probably made every other girl fall for him . My mind was laughing at him as he was dancing like a fanboy , careless and so adorable . But I had to mask all those emotions .

It was just a stupid kiss . It was just something he did to mess around . Stop making a big deal about it Becca . Becca ! Becca ! And just like that I crackled back to present where Kiara was calling me with Stacy besides her giving me a questioning look and Ed smirking at me . I shook  my head and put on a smiling face  mask  and walked towards them . It was what I was good at . I think !

" It looked like you were making a decision whether to poop or not right now " Guess who could be such a child and yet disgusting as hell . I simply rolled my eyes at him and ignored his oh so gracious comment . Stacy was giggling besides him clearly enjoying the toilet humor except I fail to understand the  humor in that . 

" Never mind him " Kiara said handing me the glass of liquid gold .

" I do not,  even the fact that he has no mind at all " I smirked glancing at Ed's dickhead face. 

" What a lame comeback Beccs . What a comeback " He said while giving me  a slow clap . I simply bend my knees making an acceptance gesture . Kiara and Stacy snickered at our childish bickering . I was smiling too . Ed had that effect on me, our silly arguments had  started to grow on me . I have started to enjoy them . Seriously need to get myself checked .

" Kiara , Ed your up next " Mr. Stark shouted . It was as shocking as it was amusing to find such an important  and not to forget super rich  individual to bond with his office staff like every other normal person But it was not unbelievable seeing that he was practically our age .

 He looked my way finally realizing my presence and smiled like a two year old who was given his favorite action figure and as usual his smile didn't match the emptiness in his eyes . It was kind of creepy . 

Stacy besides me coughed " Stop staring . You are looking like a creep " . I immediately looked down concentrating on the floor as my cheeks started warming up probably making me look like a tomato right now out of embarrassment . Kiara and Ed started singing the song and pretty much it was their crappy voice and hideous music sense that filled the air of the room .

Stacy - "Here's the thing

                We started out friends
                It was cool but it was all pretend
                Yeah, yeah, since you've been gone 

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