6 . Get out of the forbidden zone Becca....

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Standing in front of mirror I was looking at my reflection . I was nervous. Is it appropriate for the party , I mean it's a party afterall so what if i'm going with my boss . it's still a party . Right???....

I chose a simple black dress that fell till my mid thigh . I left my hair open after straightening which highlighted the hazelnut color at the end of my black strand of hair . I chose a nude shade for my lips to avoid getting too much attention. Yes I am paranoid that way . After looking satisfied  of my own looks , I  glanced at the wall clock of my bedroom . It was almost 7 . After few minutes my phone buzzed to inform me about a new message . I flipped it open to see it was mark letting me know that he was waiting for me downstairs . I left my apartment after fetching my purse and walked downstairs 

Mark was  leaning on his blue SUV , placing his hands above the car's roof. He turned towards me as my clicking of my heels approached him. He was wearing a black jacket with grey shirt and black denims. He smiled at me , his usual cocky smile making his dimples prominent and his whiskered face glowing with an unknown emotion. 

"Hi" I waved at him awkwardly as his greyish - green  eyes scanned  me from top to bottom quickly .

" Hey , you ready?..uhh.. of course you are .. ..lets go..." It was weird . Since when did high and mighty confident Mark Robson started babbling ? I nodded at him and reached for the door of passenger seat . He ran quickly past me to open the door for me.

" thanks" I whispered loud enough for him to hear slowly sinking in my seat;  after he hopped on the driver's seat. He gave me his usual warm smile that suddenly released a thousand butterflies in my stomach . We sat in silence while heading towards the party . He glanced at me and spoke 

" by the way you look beautiful tonight , Beccs" 

BECCS!! Again??

" um..Thanks mark ..." He winked at me in response and I  started feeling my ears warming up. What was happening to me. I focused my attention out of the window towards the endless traffic on streets of new york city.  We reached at a huge mansion which i guess belonged to this guy Tony Hall.

He gave his keys to one of the guys standing at the door for managing the parking  and we headed inside towards the living room through a long hallway  where walls were filled with super  skinny models dressed in weird clothes. Honestly i never understood the fuzz about fashion . Why waste so much of cotton on clothes that nobody can fit in except these  anorexic ghost like figures. We as a society should not force the stereotypical image of a certain body type and encourage psychiatric disorders like Anorexia and Bulimia. After all fashion is what we feel like wearing not what we are forced to wear.

 Anyways we entered a room filled with many famous people including politicians . As we walked through the swarm of human beings dressed in flashy attire someone shouted " MARK ROBSON " and in a flash a blonde woman darted onto Mark. He jerked backward with the force of the impact which hit him . He regained his balance after a few seconds and returned her hug by wrapping his hands around her waist . 

" Tony Hall" He exclaimed " you can leave me now before i die from your suffocating hug . OH! so Tony was a woman .

" Oh please ! like a demon like you could ever die." she nudged her elbow into his chest to which he responded with a painful  chuckle .

" Did you fell of the earth or were you trying to avoid me?" She leaned back while raising an eyebrow , her hands still holding Mark's  waist . He responded with a devilish grin. OH MY!! What ? wait no.... i pulled my mind out of the forbidden territory and focused on the red shimmering piece of clothing this woman was wrapping around her. Obviously i was not able to get what it was supposed to be . A dress? A wrap on? 

She sighed and turned her attention towards  me who was awkwardly standing with them looking like a lost monkey .

" Who is this beautiful girl? Is it why you didn't returned any of my calls? " 

I felt my cheeks turning red at her assumptions . Get you head out of forbidden zone Becca...

" She is the new junior columnist . She is Ed's partner ." He replied 

She gave me a sympathetic smile

" Nice to meet you Becca "  yep! that ass hat (Ed)  was famous for his arrogant good for nothing head. I managed a weak smile. Then she focused her gaze towards someone in the crowd and raised her hand to give a big wave and ran in that direction pulling Mark along with her. He gave me an apologetic before following his hand which Tony was pulling.

I scanned around to spot the mini bar since i didn't know a single soul in this room. I walked up to the counter , ordered scotch on the rocks and took a sip of the contents as the warmth of scotch burned my throat instantly making me feel good .

 As i ordered my second drink someone besides me spoke , " Isn't it a man's drink?" .

My mouth spoke his mind before my body turned around to see who he was " Isn't that supposed to be woman's dress?" Yep! alcohol does that to you people. You  guys should not drink.

To my horror the owner of the voice was also the owner of the newspaper i worked for . Mr. Bentley Stark.....

HEY  readers!  Thanking you for choosing to spend your precious time by reading this chapter. Like Becca even i have a new job now which makes it difficult for me to write long chapters so I apologize for short chapters but i am trying my best to update on a daily basis . 

please vote and comment also after reading my story . It will keep me motivated enough and thankyou from the bottom of my heart to the ones who are voting .....

stay tuned for more twisted fun and other character's point of view in the following chapters...

p.s are their any team MECCA ( mark + becca ) yet??...............


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