18. A dating disaster ( # one shot)

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A soothing music was playing in the background and one glass of red wine has now calmed my senses .  I was not up for this but Stacy made me do this and I am not  exaggerating when I tell you that she was this close to being stabbed in heart by  the kitchen knife  when she told me that she had set me  up on a blind date with one of her friend's colleague  while I was making dinner on this  'FriCri' night . (We were bored  having regular takeout food every friday) 

So, here I was sitting in this frilly  dress of Stacy's at the corner most booth waiting for my blind date in this fancy restaurant 'Shimai'. I had purposely tried to tone down the makeup and hair because it was a blind date and I didn't want to give any wrong kind of idea about me  but it was kind of hard to save myself from Stacy's death glare thus, at last I accepted the dress. 

My train of thoughts was interrupted by what i thought to  be a  woman's shriek which made me jump on my seat. I looked up to see the one person I swore to never  meet again after high school 'Jack Daniels'.

" OH MY GOD. ......Becca Stenson. Is that really you?" And I am not lying he was doing the exact same gesture as Janice of 'Friends' show. Now Jack here was my creepy stalker teenager in high school and to make things worse he  also happened to be my neighbor. This was all before the accident. He was one of those kids who would stick pink post-it notes on my locker with hearts drawn on it.

 Whenever his family was invited by my parents for dinner ( I don't know why) he would keep going on about our future babies and married life. Oblivious of creepiness of the entire situation our  parents used to find it hilarious,  I don't know how . I mean a creepy dude wants to make babies with your  baby daughter and you are finding it funny.Seriously.

" I wish I was not " I answered, forcing a smile. He hadn't changed much in looks. He was still wearing an oversized sweatshirt and low waist baggy jeans to hide his lean body ( and because he used think he looked dangerous like a gangster). His blonde hair were styled to spikes and hazel brown eyes sparkled with excitement like a two year old. Overall he was the same, a little taller though.

He snickered sounding like a pig.

" Oh! you still have the same sense of humor." He said while sitting on the chair opposite me. I controlled my urge to roll my eyes. He was still as dumb as before.

" I can't believe it's still you. World is so small. Right?" He spoke.

" And I still don't run into Eric Dane. " I groaned . He snickered again.

" So, what's up? I didn't get any news after you moved out after the....ummm....your family's..." He hesitated to complete the sentence1, looking at me with pity. I don't know what was more irritating? Him sitting in front of me or his pity which I didn't ask for. It's been a long time. So I bluntly completed his sentence.

" Death... Nothing much is up. Just working in a newspaper as junior columnist." 

He jumped with excitement like a fangirl  just saw Taylor Swift in person  ignoring the first half of my statement and yelped seeking attention of everybody around us. I sank a little lower hoping to melt away  out of embarrassment.

" OH MY GOD ! You got your dream job. I read your journal back in school . I knew you were so good even back then." And creepy Jack returns .

" You what? " I asked gritting my teeth out of pure frustration.

" Yeah! so you still look hot as ever or is it one of my kinky dream again ?" He asked wiggling his bushy eyebrows ignoring my previous question. This guy has a death wish. I scowled at him in utter disgust but he merely chuckled  thinking it to be cute. Before I put my thoughts into actions of scooping his eyeballs out which were shamelessly roaming all over body we were interrupted by the waiter who asked for our order very politely.

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