❦08❦The studying must resume!

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Hijikata Touka just finished locking up. She stayed behind to do some extra spiking practice by herself because she was preparing for the competition in the future; she needed to make sure what happened at the Interhigh will not happen during the Spring Tournament. As she made her way down the steps, she can hear a panicking Asahi shouting her name. 

"Hijikata-san! Hijikata-san!!!" 

"What the-" She didn't get a chance to even question Asahi because he kept shaking her arm back and forth. In between his stutters, she can barely make out the words 'Trouble', 'Fight', and 'I don't know what to do'. 

"Geh-!?" Asahi's mouth was covered by Touka's hand in an instant. 

"Calm down! I don't understand you if you talk like that!" Asahi can only nod a few times to her statement. She finally let go of him, "Then, what's wro-" 

"Toudou-chan is fighting someone!" 


Hinata tried to stop the fight between Heine and her sister but there was nothing he can do about it because both sides did not relent to the other. 

"Heine-" Hinata was thumped painfully in the jaw as he tried to pry them both apart. He just got hit by Heine's sister! 

Seeing that Hinata got hit, Heine found another reason to beat her sister up some more. 

"Ow! You're going to break my arm!" Her sister screamed at her. 

"That is the whole point! How dare you hit Hinata like that!" Heine really hated her older step sister. It's not because they have different Mothers, it's not because her Dad lived with them...it's because Heine's Mother was always on the receiving end of the daughter and Mother's abuse and Heine just got sick and tired of it. "I might be born because of a drunken accident, but that doesn't give you any rights to treat my Mother that way!" 

"You bitch! You shouldn't have been born! Your Mother should have had the common sense and abort you!" Her older sister managed to overpower Heine, she was about to punch Heine but the impact never rained down on Heine because Touka rugby tackled Heine's sister.

Heine stared with a shocked face; Touka was here?! And she can perform a rugby tackle?! 

Touka landed on the ground with Heine's sister. Heine's sister did not expect the painful tackle with full strength. She was grovelling with tears pricking her eyes as the pain started to sink in. "Ow...wha-huh?" 

"Oi, I told you this back in Aotori...if I see you go anywhere near Heine, I will fucking kill you. What are you doing here?" Touka's presence alone was enough to make Heine's sister and the two freshmen tremble in fear. 

"Y-you...!" Heine's older step sister did not dare to mouth off against Touka. In fact, she's only brave enough to pick on Heine only if she's not there because Touka was not afraid to go to the extreme to fight her off. Like a lot of people, she too was afraid of Demon Vice-captain. 

"What? You can say shit to my teammate when I am not here but you freeze up the moment I show up? Come on, show me that ferocity you had earlier!" 

'Hee! Hijikata-san is so scary...!' Asahi was so scared that he stood 15 steps away from Touka. 

"I'm leaving. I'm telling my Dad about this!" She left in a hurry, not wanting to deal with Touka's wrath. 

Watching the other girl run off, Hinata realized Heine was still sitting on the ground. "Heine-san, are you okay?" Hinata helped Heine up and immediately checked if she was badly hurt, "Are you hurt? Are you okay?" 

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