❦7.2❦ Study sessions with idiots Part 2

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In order to explain why Heine picked a fight with a girl after school, there's a need to rewind the story in Heine's point of view...

Heine walked into class with a glum face that told everyone that she will see hell real soon. 

"Heine-san, hang in there!" When she looked up, she saw a ray of light that was Hinata Shouyou. Seeing Hinata's existence shining because the sun was shining his back, she no longer felt alone. Why? Because Hinata was as much of an idiot as herself. "I have thought about how we will study!" 

"You have?" 

"Yes! And I want you to come with me!" He sat next to her and gave her a thumbs up, "We will be okay!" 

"All right! I'll follow you through good times and bad times!" 

'What is this?! A wedding vow?!' The classmates were all a bit taken back by the interactions between Heine and Hinata...

When the day made way for the first break, Hinata suggested that they look for the senpais for help. "We don't have to look for Tsukishima because he said he will help us after club activities. For now, let's look for one of our senpais for help!" 

When they walked by Kageyama's and Soumi's classroom, they can see the two of them were studying together. Seeing the Setters studying with such a serious demeanor, they cannot fall behind! If they walked in and asked them how the studying was going, it was so awful that their guardian angel facepalmed so many times! 

"Who should we ask first? Should we ask Hijikata-san for Japanese literature?" Hinata asked her. 

"No! No! She is the last person you want to go to for Japanese literature! She is so bad at it! Please don't!" 

"O-okay, I won't! Please don't shake me like that!" 

"Ah!" She's shaking him by the shoulders too hard. She quickly let go and Hinata coughed awkwardly. "Sorry, it's just...her poems are so bad...her interpretations are so deep you can no longer see her. The first time I asked her for help with Japanese literature, it was so bad that my teacher had to call my Mom and talk to her..." 

"Just what the heck did she tell you to write?!" Hinata was literally gobsmacked from the information he was getting from Heine; asking her senpai about Japanese literature was out of the question. "Ah! We can just ask Asahi-san!" 

"Your Ace? That is a good idea! He looks like the type to cry in a soppy chick flick! Of course he will be good at poems and shit!" 

"Heine-san, let's tone down the insults, his heart is like glass." As they headed to Asahi's classroom, Hinata was very quick to notice Asahi wasn't alone. He quickly bobbed down from the window that's facing the hallway and dragged Heine with him. "Shh! Your senpai is with him!" 

"Hijikata-san?! Why?!" If Touka heard about them needing help with Japanese literature, they will have a guaranteed failing mark! They have to get Asahi on his own! 

They peered up slightly, expecting to see Touka cornering Asahi but they found something rather different instead. In fact, it was something so unexpected in their eyes! Asahi was smiling at her! Someone from outside the girls' team was smiling at Touka?! Has the world come to an end?! 

"What are you smiling about? There's nothing to smile about." Touka glared at Asahi with an annoyed look on her face.

"No, it's just...I think you're very dedicated to volleyball." 

"Hmph." She looked away from him with a slight blush on her face; she's not one to be complimented often so whenever she got one, she would be so happy that a stupid and giddy smile would attempt to grace her face. There's no way someone like her, who was deemed a 'Demon' can be caught making such a face!

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