You'll Get Your Practice + Peace?

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****Tara's POV***

We were back in our loft, everything looking normal.

"My God..." I breathed, "why'd we leave in the first place?"

"Fuckin' Larry. I knew that guy was sketch as hell," Duff responded.

"Well, thank God we're back," I said with relief, sitting on the couch.

"I missed the gig with the boys yesterday... you know the one with the record label dude and shit?" Duff told me, sitting down beside me.

"What?! Oh no! Dude, that's horrible," I exclaimed, actually feelimg bad for Duff.

"Yeah, it is. Nothing I can do though. I'm too ashamed to even call them and ask how it went," he said.

"Maybe you should drive down there and tell 'em the truth in person. They deserve to know," I told him.

He bit his lips and looked out the window nervously.

"Well, I have to get caught up with some fucking school work..." I said, starting to get up from the couch to head to my office.

I was stopped before I fully stood up from the couch and was pulled back down by my arm.

"Duff, what're you doing?" I asked, as I looked into his eyes.

"We just got back, baby... let's celebrate," he smirked.

"Do we really have time to... celebrate?" I huffed.

"Yes. We have plenty of time," he smirked again, pulling me into him, kissing my lips.

I pulled away instantly and he looked at me with some hurt.

"Well, before we do this, I want to get clean. I am kind of disgusting from that park," I told him.

"Good point. Let me shower with you," he said, getting up.

"No, no. You shower after me," I chuckled as I ran to the bathroom.

I got out of the shower and got myself together. I brushed my teeth for like ever and made my hair look as nice as possible as well as my makeup. I knew what Duff wanted to do, and I was ready for it.

I smoothened out my low cut black tank top and shorts and put some deodorant and perfume on and was finally out the door.

I looked at Duff at the couch, who looked very attractive, and he smiled back at me.

"You look cleaned up..." I said, confused.

"I showered in our bedroom's bathroom," he told me.

"Oh," I said, looking at the ground.

"Well... what are you waiting for? Come here," he smiled as he patted his lap.

I giggled to myself and rushed over to his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him.

We were happily making out as he grabbed me tightly and picked me up, taking me to the bedroom.

He dropped me on the bed and crawled in between my legs, slowly kissing my neck.

"Do it," I said randomly.

He stopped kissing my neck and looked at me with confusion.

"Do what?" he questioned.

"What you wanted to do at the hotel. The thing I don't like. Do it."

His face brightened and he gave me a grin.

"Are you serious?" he asked.

"Yes, but under one condition," I said.

"Which is?"

"You need to do my school work for the night," I smirked.

He hesitated for a moment, then shrugged.

"Fuck it, it's worth it," he said, taking off my pants.

He finished doing the deed and we both sat up on the bed.

"Well... what you think?" he asked.

"Interesting," I responded.

"That's all? C'mon babe, tell me how I did," he urged.



"I mean, maybe we can work on it," I shrugged.

"I was that bad?!" he exclaimed.

"Well, no. I just don't know really how I'm supposed to feel. I've never had this done this before, I can't really compare you to anyone," I said.

"Let me do it again now. I know some parts where I fucked up," he said, trying to go down again.

"No, no," I shook my head, laughing, "when you're a good boy I'll let you get your practice."

He pouted at me and laid back on the bed.

"Do you think we're at peace now?" I asked him seriously, glancing down at him.

He looked back at me, cocking an eyebrow.

"I don't think we'll ever be fully at peace. But, as for now, I'd say we're doing pretty damn fine."

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