Rich Bitches

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Duff parked the car in the huge parking lot, full of nice cars.

"God dammit Tara. What did you drag me into?" he breathed, staring at everyone in their fancy dresses and tuxedo's walking into the building.

"I don't know," I breathed as well, feeling instant regret, "I was invited by an old friend of mine. I knew it was going to be very fancy, but damn. There's gonna be like hundreds, maybe even thousands of people here."

"What the fuck is this even for?" he asked, now looking at me.

"I don't really know," I answered, looking back at him with anxiety.

"Well. Let's get this over with," he shook his head, opening the car door.

I also let myself out and walked up next to him, observing all the couples walking together, the man clearly escorting the woman.

"Escort me," I whispered.

"Huh?" he asked, not hearing me.

"Escort me!" I whisper-yelled.


"ESCORT ME!" I yelled, causing everyone around us to turn and look at us.

"Sorry," I smiled at everyone, very embarrassed, feeling my face turn bright red.

Duff gave me a freaked out look and put his arm out for me to link on.

I did so and we walked silently, following all of the other couples because we honestly had no idea where we were going.

We were now entered in the building, and we saw everyone greeting each other, hugging each other, etc. But the people who weren't meeting with other people were headed straight to the elevators.

"Do we go to the elevators?" I asked Duff.

"You're askin' me like I know," he scoffed.

"Let's go to the elevators," I said, guiding him to the line of people waiting to get into one.

We got to the back of the line and un-linked arms. I looked around at everything around me in awe, until I heard Duff's voice which caused me to snap out of it and listen to him.

"I'm a rock n' roller. I don't belong here," he said, a little too loudly, causing the couple in front of us to turn and look at us with disgust.

Man. So many stuck up fuckers here.

"Suck it," Duff spat at them.

The woman's jaw dropped and the man just clenched his jaw tightly, shaking his head in disapproval.

I slapped Duff's arm and he mouthed an angry, "What?!" at me.

"It's alright man," someone said from behind us, causing Duff and I to turn around, "I'm a rock n' roller too. I'm just here to pick up some elegant bitches."

The man was tall with straight, brown hair to his shoulders, and piercing green eyes. He looked just about as old as Duff and had on a black tuxedo.

"Nice man," Duff chuckled with an approving nod.


"This your girl?" the guy asked, nodding down at me.

Duff looked down at me also with a smirk.

"This is," he said proudly, putting his arm around, pulling me into him.

"Good for you man. She's a winner," he winked at me.

I felt myself beginning to blush as Duff and the man's eyes glued onto me.

"What's your name man?" Duff asked him.

"I'm Jesse. Jesse Cremble," he replied, "and you?"

"Duff. Duff Mckagan," Duff said back with a smile.

"Duff," he echoed, "nice."

"And you?" Jesse asked, looking back at me.

"I'm Tara," I told him.

"Tara Mckagan," Duff said.

Jesse raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"You guys married?"

"We are," Duff nodded, pulling me even closer.

Why is he acting like this?

"Congrats on that," he told us.

"Thanks," I said quietly.

The line then moved up and we all walked forwards.

"This party's pretty insane huh?" Jesse said, glancing over at all the people.

"Sure is," Duff agreed, also looking over at everyone.

"Don't you need a date to even enter the banquet hall?" I asked, making the point clear that Jesse was with no date right now.

"Well. Hopefully I find some drunk, single, rich bitch before we get to the banquet hall then, huh?" he said with a slight smile, "I'm gonna have to work a bit quicker then originally planned."

Duff and I exchanged looks and looked back at him.

"Don't worry. I'm usually good at that shit," he assured us.

I couldn't help but to slightly laugh as I looked down at the tile floor.

The line then moved up a bit more and we all stepped up.

"This hall better be fuckin' massive. There's a million people here," Duff commented.

Jesse and I both nodded, looking around again.

The line moved up again, significantly faster. We were now at the front and some dude in some uniform pointed an elevator for us 3 to go in.

We all looked at each other, but headed into the elevator. When we walked in there was like 4 other couples already in there. Luckily it was a bigger elevator, otherwise we'd all be crammed even more than now.

We all stood there in silence and all I could focus on was Jesse staring down at the girl's ass he was pressed against.

We finally arrived to the floor and we all stepped out, following everyone else.

"Be on the look out for single chicks," Jesse told us.

Duff and I didn't say anything back to him and got behind another line to get into the banquet hall.

"Right there," Duff randomly said, nodding his head to the left.

Jesse and I both looked to where he was nodding at and saw some girl sitting against the wall, crying her eyes out, definitely drunk.

"Go get her pal," Duff said to Jesse, putting his hand on his shoulder.

Jesse gave him a thumbs up and rushed over to the girl.

"Wow. I love men," I sarcastically said, shaking my head in disapproval.

"Me too," Duff said back to me.

I rolled my eyes and we finally made it to the bouncer person guarding the door.

"Invitation?" he asked us.

I luckily remembered to put the folded invitation in my bra that my friend had sent me before we left. I got it out quickly and handed it to him.

"And this is your date. Correct?" he questioned, glancing over at Duff.

I nodded and grabbed Duff's hand so we looked a bit more like an actual couple. I bet no one has a fucking clue we're actually married.

"Okay. Go in," he nodded to the door.

Another security guard lookin' dude opened the door for us and we entered, hand in hand.

As soon as we entered we were both at a loss of words as we stared at the banquet hall we just stepped into.

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