Rita + Todd & Dolly + Brian

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***TARA'S POV***

"This is unreal," Duff commented.

I snapped out of my trance and noticed people were trying to get around us.

"We gotta move," I said, dragging him to the drink table.

The drink table consisted only of super fancy drinks, the least fancy being champagne, which is what I went for.

"Man, I just want a beer," Duff shook his head, scanning the table.

"Well, then clearly you're at the wrong party," some bitch next to him sneered.

"Hey. No one was talkin' to you bitch. Now move it," I snapped at her.

She raised an eyebrow at me and slowly walked away, moving her hips like she owned the damn place.

"Whoa there," Duff laughed, looking down at me.

"Well, who is she to talk shit?" I defended myself, starting to walk away from the fancy drink table.

Duff jogged to catch up next to me and as he opened his mouth to say something, but got cut off by someone tapping my shoulder behind me.

I turned around and saw my friend Rita who invited me.

"Tara?!" she yelled, thoroughly observing me.

"Yeah! Rita?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah!" she yelled.

We both screeched excitedly and jumped up and down, hugging each other.

"How you been?!" I asked her as we pulled away.

"Great! How about you?!"

"Great!" I echoed, even though it wasn't really true.

"Man, I can't believe how long it's been! Years and years, Tara!"

"I know! It's crazy!"

"Well, lucky for us, we got the same table and are seated right next to each other!" she told me happily.

We got assigned tables and seats? I had no idea.

"Great!" I grinned, glancing over at Duff who was staring at the golden Chandelier on the ceiling.

I looked back at Rita who noticed I was looking up at a totally zoned out Duff and I secretly slapped Duff to snap him out of it.

"Rita, this is my husband Duff," I said, trying to sound as proud as possible.

Rita looked up at Duff again and he held out his hand. She put her hand in his and he shook it.

"Pleasure Rita. I'm Duff Mckagan," he said, slightly bowing to show his manners, which I appreciated and sure as hell didn't expect.

"Nice to meet you Duff," she smiled, as they released hands.

Rita then turned to the man she was with and smiled confidently.

"Tara, Duff, this is my husband, Todd," she introduced us.

Todd took my hand and pressed his lips to it, looking at me with his stormy grey eyes while doing so.

"Pleasure Tara," he said, giving me my hand back.

"You too," I smiled shyly, slightly swept off my feet.

Todd then held out his hand to Duff to shake. Duff accepted and they gave each other a rather rough handshake.

"Nice to meet you Duff," Todd said to him.

"You too man," Duff nodded, releasing his hand.

We all then looked at each other and Rita and I smiled.

"Let's get to the table then. Shall we?" Rita said.

We all nodded and followed Tara because it seems like she knows where she's going fortunately.

We got led to a small, white round table with small name tags in front of each seat.

We all found our seats and sat down, me being next to Duff and Rita, and Rita being next to Todd.

"So, tell me the story. How did you two lovers meet?" Rita asked, excitedly clapping her hands together.

Before I opened my mouth to speak, I was cut off by a couple taking a seat across from us at the table.

"Oh, hi there," the girl said, looking at each one of us weirdly.

The man simply nodded as a greeting as they both sat down.

"I'm Dolly, and this is my partner, Brian," the girl fake smiled, putting her hand on Brian's shoulder.

"Nice to meet you guys," Todd said to them.

Brian uncomfortably pressed his lips together and nodded as Dolly grinned widely with her huge pearly whites.

"So, what are discussing?" Dolly asked clearly interested, leaning forward, pressing her cheek to her hand.

"We're talking about how we met our spouses," Rita answered.

"Oh! How interesting!" she said excitedly.

"Yeah, we actually haven't started yet, so you can start us off," I told her.

She beamed and looked over at Brian.

"Great! I love this story," she said.

We all were now staring at her, as she flipped her hair and smiled at all of us.

"I was at this famous flower garden with my best friend, and we were just staring at all the beautiful flowers, and I looked up and saw Brian looking at me. So of course, my best and I were giggiling and all that cute girl stuff. So, a few minutes had gone by and Brian came up to me and handed me this beautiful, beautiful flower and said, 'I picked out the most beautiful flower for the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.' And we've been together ever since!"

Duff and I looked at each other and I took a deep breath.

That is a lot more romantic then our moonshine cherries jar story.

"Wow, what a great story," Rita smiled.

"I know!" Dolly exclaimed, pecking Brian's lips.

We all sat silent and I nervously started to shake my leg.

"Let's hear yours," Dolly said, looking directly at me.

My heart then started to race because I knew there was no way I could tell the real story of how Duff and I met. I already feel that we are being severely judged by Dolly, never mind if I tell that fuckin' story.

"Oh, um, alright," I swallowed.

All eyes were now on me, including Duff's, and I cleared my throat and was ready to talk.

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