Leppard Weed

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***Tara's POV***

I already felt lonely in the loft without Duff here. Just when we started to be normal again, this happens. We fight and he's gone.

I went to grab the bag of weed in my bedroom, stuffed it in my pipe, and smoked. Being high probably won't help anything, but hopefully it'll help me feel at least a little bit better.

I headed to the couch in the main room with my pipe and turned on the radio. I sat back, put my legs on the table, and listened to the Led Zeppelin song blaring through the speakers.

It was my second time seeing this tall blonde by the name of Duff Mckagan om the tour bus. My friend got invited back in by Izzy, and of course, I came with. They played here for two nights and my friend forced me to come with her again tonight so she could see Izzy again.

"Hey, it's moonshine cherry girl!" Axl exclaimed, looking at me.

Everyone else then looked at me and I locked eyes with the tall blonde. He winked at me and motioned me with his finger to come over to him.

I figured why not, so I walked over to him and sat down on the arm of the couch right next to him.

"Couldn't get enough of me huh?" he chuckled.

"Yep. Exactly why I'm here," I slightly smiled back.

"I know. So now that you're back No Name, tell me your name," he said.

"No," I refused.

"Well, last time you told me I'd never see you again. And look who's here? You. So you owe it to me to tell me your name," he justifed himself.

I shook my head and looked away. I didn't want to tell him my name. I already knew it. I already knew I would fall for him, and by him not knowing my name it could lower the chances of that occuring.

"Whoops," a voice said next to me said as I felt myself being knocked down from the arm of the couch.

I fell right onto Duff's lap conveniently, and felt my cheeks turn super hot.

He smirked down at me and took a large inhale of his lit cigarette between his fingers.

"Well, now you're on my lap Miss No Name. You oughta tell me your name now," he stated.

I sat up straight on his lap, instead of in the position I was in, which was half laying down, and looked into his brown eyes.


I got butterflies just re-living that story. I remember how nervous I felt sitting on his lap. He made me feel something that I had never felt before.

I remember for months that I was with Duff I was just glowing. I'd get compliments all the time from people saying I just looked great and happy, which I was.

Now, I just look burned out and exhausted.

I took another huge hit from the pipe and blew the smoke up into the air. The Zeppelin song finished and now the song Bad Company by Bad Company was now playing.

I nodded my head to the beat and started to feel the weed kick in a bit, so the song sounded even better.

That's why they call me bad company
I can't deny
Bad company
'Til the day I die

I thought about the lyrics being sung and it made me think of Duff and I. Was I bad company? Maybe nothing is really his fault, maybe it's all mine.

Maybe I'm Duff's beast of burden.

What happened to me? I used to always have Duff on his tip-toes around me, I always used to be so smooth, I used to be able to turn people instantly on without doing much.

Now I can't even have my own husband to want me.

I can't just sit here and get high by myself. I need someone.

I went to the phone and dialed a taxi, then going outside.

I was now at the most famus concert venue around here. There's usually always a band playing here and Duff and I used to come here when we were bored. Sometimes we were surprised with huge acts, such as Metallica, Megadeth, Bon Jovi, Duran Duran, etc.

I went to the ticket booth and bought a general admission ticket, not caring who was playing.

The ticket person slid a ticket to me and I didn't even look at it and went to the arena, taking a stand in the moshpit.

The band then ran out and to my surprise, it was Def Leppard.

I nodded in approval and took my pipe out of my purse and lit up. The people around me nodded approvingly and I nodded my head to the music.

"Hey there!" someone shouted, tapping my shoulder.

I turned my head and saw Jesse staring down at me, smiling.

"Jesse?" I questioned in shock.

"Nice pipe you got there. You oughta let me take a hit out of it," he smiled.

I chuckled and handed him the pipe and lighter.

He took a big hit and handed it back to me.

"Where's Duff?" he asked me.

"Oh, he's at his band practice," I answered.

"Oh, nice. Well, it's cool you're here. Leppard rocks," he yelled over the loud music.

"I know," I nodded, looking back at the stage.

We both then started to nod our head to the music and smoke the rest of my weed.

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