An Ugly Band Rehearsal

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***Duff's POV***

I was now about 2 minutes away from arriving to band practice and the whole car ride I felt nervous for some reason. I was nervous to see the band I guess, I haven't seen them in so long and I'm scared they might just hate me.

I now pulled into Slash's driveway, where practice was today, and parked the car. I took a deep breath, took the keys out of the ignition, and stepped out of the car and locked it.

I then slowly walked up to the front door and knocked on it.

After a few moments I heard someone unlocking the door and opening it.

"Wow. You actually showed man. Shocker," Izzy said, letting me in.

I walked in, not saying anything to him and headed straight to the basement where I knew practice was.

"Duff man," Steven beamed at me.

I smiled back at him and gave him a slight wave. I always really liked that dude.

"Wow. He's here. Can you fuckers believe it?" Axl said, glaring at me while lighting his cigarette.

"I can't," Izzy said, skipping down the stairs.

"I can," Slash defended me.

I gave him a slight nod saying thanks.

"Well, before we start this whole rehearsal bullshit, let's catch up. Shall we?" Axl smirked, walking away from the mic, sitting down on the couch nearby.

The other bandmates exchanged weird looks but followed Axl and sat beside him, as did I.

We all were now sitting, staring at each other awkwardly.

"Okay, I'll acknowledge the elephant in the room," Axl said, "how's your hot piece of ass wife?"

Well, that's not the elephant I thought he was going to acknowledge. I thought he was going to acknowledge the elephant of me not showing up to practice ever and being a flaky asshole.

"Uh... she's fine," I responded, clearly weirded out.

"Hell yeah she's fine," Izzy chuckled, pressing a beer bottle to his lips, sipping it.

"As fine as they get," Slash commented.

I didn't say anything and looked down at the ground.

"How's she in bed? Still an animal?" Axl asked me.

I looked up at him and cocked an eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah. She's still great in bed," I said, which was a lie because me and her haven't had sex in ages.

"Damn. I can only imagine those long, smooth legs of hers rubbing against my body," Axl licked his lips, clearly in a daydream.

"Hell yeah and those big, plump lips of hers, kissin' all over my body," Izzy said.

"Yeah man, and imagine her on her knees. That's a beautiful fuckin' sight," Slash drunkly laughed.

I started to get uncomfortable with everything they were saying about Tara and I think it started to show because Steven gave me a sympathetic look.

"Alright guys, cool it. That is Duff's wife you're talkin' 'bout," Steven said to them.

"Yeah. Duff's smokin' hot wife that I'd do anything to have a night with," Axl shot right back.

"Yeah, a whole night of just some dirty fucking," Slash contributed.

"Guys. Enough," I said angrily.

"What Duff? You're offended that we're complimenting your wife?" Izzy evily laughed, sipping his beer again.

"You aren't complimenting her. You're completley degrading her. She ain't just some piece of meat, you know?"

"To us she is," Izzy laughed back at me.

"Hey, fuck you man," I fumed, standing up, clenching my fists.

Izzy stood up right after me, placing his beer on the floor.

"What man? You upset because I would fuck your wife senseless? You upset because I would give her pleasure you never could?" Izzy said, clearly trying to trigger me, which I don't know why.

"You better shut the fuck up man," I gritted through my teeth, walking up right in front of him.

"Or what? You'll give me a little punch like the little bitch you are?"

"Hey, easy boys," Slash said, stepping between us, pulling us apart.

"Yeah fellas, this is supposed to be band practice. What the hell are y'all doing?" Steven said to us.

"Lil' Izzy just took the whole 'Duff's wife is a hot piece of ass' to another level because he's upset that Duff's been bailin' on us," Axl concluded.

"Yeah, he took it to an extreme," I said glaring at Izzy, then shifting my gaze to Slash and Axl, "but you both took it too far too."

"Get over it man," Slash said, lighting a cigarette, picking up his Les Paul, "it's no big deal."

"Yeah man. We used to talk about hot chicks all the time and how we'd bone 'em. Nothin's changed," Axl said.

"Well, that bettter fucking change with my wife otherwise you're losing me from this band forever," I said seriously, causing everyone to look at me.

"Alright, alright man," Axl said, putting his hands up in surrender, "fine."

"Yeah dude. Fine. No more Tara talk," Slash agreed.

I then looked over at Izzy who clearly was uninterested in what I had just said.

"Izzy come on. Promise him," Slash pleaded to him.

"No. I ain't promisin' shit," Izzy said.

"Why are you being so difficult Izz?" Axl huffed in annoyance.

"I ain't bein' difficult. Duff has been the difficult one. He clearly doesn't give a shit about this band, so why should I give a shit about his little demands to not talk about his wife?"

"Ugh, get over yourself Izzy," Slash said back to him.

"Fuck this shit man," he said, sticking a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it.

I gave him a dirty look and he just ignored it and blew out a large cloud of smoke.

We all then went to our places and got our instruments to start rehearsing.

While we were practicing I thought about Tara and I and how bad we have been hating each other. But how I reacted today to how my bandmates were talking all that garbage about her made me kind of realize that I was still in love with her. I guess if I wasn't I wouldn't let myself still be married to her.

"Hey man," Slash said, looking at me, stopping playing his guitar.

"What?" I questioned, snapping out of my thoughts.

"You're fucking up a lot of your notes. Focus," he told me.

I nodded and Axl told us to take it from the top.

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