Double Flashbacks

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***Tara's POV***

I was driving for about 5 minutes and I barley could focus. My mind kept going back to Duff and I and how things changed so much since we first got married. We used to be that couple that everyone was jealous of. We were that couple that actually was that happy. Now we're absolute shit. Everytime we see each other we get angry. Why did things go so wrong? What made them go so wrong?

"Look at you," Duff said to me, putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What?" I shyly asked.

"You're absolutely beautiful. You're everything I ever wanted. Damn, I feel like I'm the luckiest man in the world."

"Please Duff. I'm the lucky one."

"No baby, you're not. You ended up with some goofy, drugged up, dumbass bass player. I ended up with a beautiful, kind, smart, seductive woman."

"Man, you're always flattering me," I nervously chuckled, breaking the eye contact between him and I.

He lifted my chin up and made us look into each other's eyes again.

"I just can't believe how in love I am with you," he told me.

"I can't believe it either, babe. You think it's easy for me to comprehend that I'm crazy in love with a goofy, drugged up, dumbass bass player?" I teased with a smile.

"There it is," he said with a smile slowly creeping up on his face.

"There's what?" I questioned.

"That million dollar smile of yours."

"If only. I'd kill for a million bucks."

"Hey now. The band is gettin' there. I'll give you a few of my millions once we make it to be the biggest band in the world," he smiled.

"I have a feeling you guys will make it big. So make sure I have your word that you'll share some of your fortune," I teased again.

"You got my word baby girl," he said, planting a kiss on my lips.

I snapped out of my flashback from the sound of a loud horn behind me. I realized I was swerving like an idiot and I quickly corrected myself.

I then made a turn and made it to the mailbox. I quickly dropped off all the bills and got back in the car to drive to the store.

I got to the store about 5 minutes later and was now putting groceries in the shopping cart which of course, brought me to another flashback of Duff and I grocery shopping together for the first time as a married couple.

"Let's just get one more pint of ice cream," Duff begged, standing behind me, putting his hands on my hips.

"No! We already have three, you fat ass," I laughed.

"Is one more gonna kill us?"

"I mean, probably. Look at what we have already. Chocolate, three pints of ice cream, candy, soda, and more. This is already diabetes."

"We just got married. Isn't there an exception for just married couples?"


"Fine," he said, taking his hands off my hips, walking to something else.

I watched him as he picked up a random toy car and started to play with it.

"We're getting this then," he told me.

"Why do we need that?" I huffed, crossing my arms.

"To play with."

"We have each other to play with," I winked as I started to walk away.

"Whoa there!" he yelled from behind me.

I smiled to myself pushing the cart, and Duff ran up behind me and started kissing my neck.

"Not in public," I giggled, trying to get him off me.

"Come on now. You say something like that and expect me not to get horny?"

"Duff, you can contain yourself until we're home," I said, trying not to smile.

"Maybe. But watch what you say, if you say somethin' else like that I won't be able to," he warned me.

I laughed and turned down another aisle with Duff following close behind.

"Ooh! Let's get this!" Duff exclaimed like a child, picking up a pack of crazy straws.

"Why?" I breathed deeply with a slight smile.

"Because they're fun to blow on," he answered.

"Yeah? Well, you're also fun to blow on," I smirked.

"Oh, fuck you," he smiled, shaking his head, walking up to me, violently grabbing my face and kissing me in the middle of the aisle.

I snapped out of my flashback noticing I had a smile on my face. I quickly stopped smiling and went to buy more groceries.

I let myself into the loft with arms full of groceries and carried them to the kitchen.

"Thank God. We have food now," Duff commented, walking out of the hallway, back to the couch.

I ignored what he said and started to unload the groceries.

"Make me something, would you?" he called.

"No, I won't," I mocked his tone.

"Why not?" he asked loudly, clearly angry.

"Because I'm tired of being your personal chef. I went out and bought the food, make yourself some," I said back.

He didn't respond, thankfully, and I finished unloading the groceries.

I then headed to my office and went to work on my school work again.

Married Too FastDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora