Bills & Pizza

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***Duff's POV***

I watched Tara walk away and I couldn't help but to watch her long legs struggle to guide her. She never walks the way she used to. She used to always have rhythm with those sexy long legs and a swing in her hips, but now she's always so drunk she can't keep a straight line.

I took a deep breath and looked back down at the tons of bills I still had to write. I wanted to rip them all up and throw them out the window, but I'm also to blame for having so many to write because I'm so fucked up all the time I put off writing them as long as I can.

The doorbell then rang and I groaned loudly, running my fingers through my hair, falling on my back on the couch.

"I got it," Tara mumbled, stepping out of her office again.

"Who the hell could that be?" I asked her, watching her struggle to get to the door.

"It's food. I haven't eaten all day and it's midnight already," she answered me, opening the door.

I sat up a bit to peek who was at the door and it was some small, dorky dude handing her a large pizza.

She handed him the money and he thanked her and was on his way. She shut the door behind her with her foot and headed back to her office with the whole pizza.

"Tara, where ya goin'?" I called after her, "I didn't eat anythin' at all either today."

I heard her huff loudly and she turned back around and headed over to me.

Shs sat down beside me, putting the pizza box on the coffee table in front of us.

"It's cheese though. You hate cheese," she said.

"Not as much as I hate bein' starving. Why didn't you make anything today?" I said back to her, opening the box, getting a slice out.

"You got two functioning hands Duff. You make yourself something sometimes, I'm always the damn cook in this house," she argued back, also grabbing a slice.

I stared at her as she took a large bit of her slice. Her dark brown hair was knotted, tied up in a bun, her dark makeup that usually complements her dark brown-almost black eyes was now completely smeared, she had stains from whiskey on her white cotton shirt, and she was wearing my grey sweatpants that she always steals because they're so comfortable. She's got long legs and height, but I still got plenty of inches on her so they still were plenty too big on her.

"Why are you staring at me?" she barked, her mouth full as she looked back at me.

"I ain't. Calm down," I said back, immediatley looking away.

She leaned back on the couch and resumed to eat her pizza as I stared blankly at the massive window to the left of me.

If I do admit, our loft is beautiful. It's always pretty clean, (which I do give Tara credit for) our furniture is nice and modern, our rooms are decently sized, we each have our own office, and the best part, the whole left side of our loft was a huge glass window. There was no visable wall, all just glass with a remarkable view of the city. But it's not only window, on the very corner of the window there's a glass door connected with a tiny balcony that you can step out on.
At night we don't need any lights on in the main room, the lights of the city can light up the whole room.

That window is the whole reason that Tara agreed to getting this loft. She is a major sucker for scenic views, but her all time favorite secenic view is the city at night. Sometimes I see her out on the minature balcony at 3 in the morning, sitting, smoking a cigarette, staring at those blinding city lights.

I snapped out of my trance and looked back at Tara who was already on her second piece of pizza.

"You got lots of fucking bills to write," she said, glancing over at me and the bills.

"Do you think I don't know that?" I snapped back.

"Why is it you always fucking wait 'til literally the last millisecond to write all the bills? You wanna get visited by our friend Jeff again?"

Jeff is the Repo Man. He has visited on a few occasions. He's a nice guy and kind of our friend, so sometimes he lets us off the hook with certain things. But if he comes once more I don't think he'll let us off the hook again. Because Jeff, our friend, will think we're taking advantage of him.

"He's a nice guy," I shrugged.

"He ain't gon' be nice forever," she said back, standing up, wiping her greasy hands on my sweatpants she was wearing.

"Go to bed," I told her.

"I can't. I have more assignments to do," she said back, staring down at me.

I didn't say anything and pressed my lips together.

"You aren't going to bed anytime soon either, bud. You got lots to do," she said, raising an eyebrow, nodding to the pile of bills.

"I'm aware. Let me at least have another piece of pizza," I said.

"Hurry," she said as she turned, heading back to her office.

I took another deep breath and reached for another slice of pizza.

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