kiss me

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Pennia's POV

Prim and I sat at the base of a tree, silent tears running down our faces. We knew that they were mutts but seeing them die still tore us apart.

I had already watched them die once, it was painful enough; but having to watch one of my friends rip my brother's face off was a different level of pain.

For Prim, it was completely different. She didn't know what happened to Katniss, she didn't know if her sister was dead or alive. She watched her best friend kill her sister, I couldn't fathom how much that hurt.

Neither of us had spoken since we left the second blood bath in the tundra. My throat felt like it had swelled shut, my shoulders throbbed from the impact of hitting the ice.

Issac's arm was already healing; even in her slump, Prim made sure everyone would be healed by the morning. Bentley's hands were torn to shreds, most of the healing ointment was used on him.

Beside me, I felt Prim stand and slowly shuffling over to Issac's side, who smiled brightly at her. She sat down next to him, tucking herself into his chest.

I felt myself beginning to smile, their joyful manners began to evade my heart. Their happiness was enough to make me the smallest bit happy, but that small piece of happiness faded quickly.

The longer I watched, the angrier I got. Sitting in front of me were two young, love struck teenagers. Two teenagers that hadn't seen the world, two that hadn't lived or loved. One would die and the other would live, knowing that their love had died for them.

I shook my head, standing as I wiped the dried tears from my cheeks. I walked over to the others, leaning down to pick up my spear.

"Going on a walk, get some sleep." I said coldly, beginning my walk before they could answer.

I twirled my spear as I ventured through the forest; my thoughts openly roaming.

Most of them were about my family; I wondered if they were together and if they were watching me. Most importantly, I wondered if they were proud of me.

After awhile of reminiscing, my thoughts wondered off to my special someone. I thought back to the last dream I had, especially how it ended.

When F had asked if I had died, I said 'not yet'. I was explaining what I meant when the dream began to fade.

Did this happen for a reason? Did our subconscious beings not want each other to know certain things?

And then it hit me.

"Oh my god," I whispered.

The dream will end if a detail about the present or past is mentioned! This is why I woke up when I was about to tell him I was in the Hunger Games.

But why was this? Did I know F? Had I met him before?

My thoughts were interrupted by a cannon, the sound causing the hairs on the back of my neck to rise.

I sprinted back to camp, panting heavily in fear of what I would be met with. When I reached camp, everything was in order, other than the fearful eyes of my allies.

"It's okay, it wasn't me." I say, holding my hands up as I walk towards the tree I'd be sleeping in.

"Penn?" I hear Prim whisper from behind me, her voice was small and frightened.

"Yeah?" I say, not turning to face her.

"Please, don't leave me again." She said, sniffling. "I watched my sister die and I know I can't watch you die too..."

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