it's nice to meet you

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it's nice to meet you
Prim's POV

"You two looked fabulous out there! The crowd went absolutely wild," Pumbee said pushed herself between Chase and I, linking our arms with hers. "Are you ready to meet your new friends?"

My heart thudded to a stop and all the air was stolen from lungs at the mention for meeting the people I would be killing in a weeks time. I wasn't ready to meet them, knowing that it would be one of them who eventually will kill me.

Pumbee pulled us over to District Eight's escort, quickly introducing us to her. Glowdusk, her name, seemed nice enough but you can't ever tell with the people from the Capitol.

"Oh darling!" Glowdusk gushed, leaving her male tribute's side and pulling Pumbee into a hug. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

The high pitched tones of their voices cause me to flinch.

"Trust me, it's been too long!" Pumbee said, pulling back from their hug. "This is Primrose and Chasions, District Twelve."

"Prim and Chase, pleasured to meet you both," Glowdusk said, quickly kissing both of our cheeks.

"You too," Chase said, looking at the male standing behind her. "If you'll excuse me."

I looked up to see him making his way over to the boy, Issac. They shook hands and began to walk in the opposite direction of us, towards the elevator. Immediately they begin talking, faces serious.

Glancing around me, I see the other tributes speaking to their mentors or their escorts, but not each other. The careers were staring at the more promising tributes, silently communicating with one another.

"Prim?" I hear Glowdusk say, snapping me out of my trance.

"I'm sorry, what?" I said, tearing my gaze away from the others to smile shyly at her.

"Would you like to get some dinner with us? Penn is already upstairs. She said — and I quote — 'I can't stand being around these bastards for another minute'." Glowdusk said, using her fingers to quote Pennia's words, a gentle chuckle leaving her lips.

"Is that were Chase and Issac went?" I asked, nodding my head towards the elevator.

"I believe so," she replied, gently taking my hand and leading me to the elevator. "Pumbee has some business to attend to, she'll be back in the morning."

"Oh thank god," I sighed, eyes bulging at the realization that I had said that aloud. "I'm sorry! Please don't tell her I said that!"

Glowdusk giggled, shaking her head. "Your secret is safe with me."


Glowdusk leaded me into the District Eight living quarters. It was extravagant, chandeliers practically in every room. The bright colors popped but equally blended throughout the room. The furniture was shaped into all different shapes, but the comfortableness was unaffected.

The apartment was simply luxurious.

"Let me go get Penn and the boys, make yourself at home." Glowdusk said before disappearing down a hallway, the click of her heels echoing in the silent apartment.

I make my way over to the couch, running my fingers along the back before throwing myself down. Leaning back, I close my eyes and let out the breath I was holding.

"So far so good," I whisper quietly to myself, rubbing my temples.

One week until the games, one week until I could possibly be dead. I've never used a weapon in my life, that was all Katniss. I worked with herbs and plants and I knew them damn well. I knew what could kill and what could help save a life — that was my advantage. My only advantage.

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