train rides

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train rides
Pennia's POV

The Peacekeepers quickly escorted Issac and myself inside the building. I turned, desperately trying to get one last look at my dwindled family. I hoped to see his piercing green eyes one last time before the large wooden doors were slammed shut.

"Let me say goodbye!" Issac yelled, throwing his body towards the door. The Peacekeepers tighten their grips, harshly pulling him back into place.

"Oh dear, there isn't any time to say goodbye!" Glowdusk gushed, a small giggle leaving her lips, as she practically pranced through the Justice Building. "We are busy, busy, busy!"

"Wait," The words slip out of my mouth harshly. "We don't get to say goodbye?!"

"No time!" Glowdusk said, giggling once again.

I felt my hand curling into a fist, pulling out of the Peacekeeper's grasp. Before anyone could stop my hand — including myself — I watch it fly forward, colliding into Glowdusk's perfectly porcelain jaw.

She gasps in pain, falling back into the arms of a Peacekeeper, who quickly catches her as places her back onto her feet. My fist aches as it remains balled at my side, waiting for retaliation.

Glowdusk, for once, looked anything but happy. In fact, she looked infuriated. When I don't move, since we had stopped our advance, she takes a quick step forward. She stands so close that our noses are practically touching and her pink irises bore into my own.

"You listen and you listen well," she spat. "You will get your ass onto that train without another peep. If I hear another word coming from you, I will personally make sure you get killed. Is that clear?"

"Crystal," I muttered, closing my eyes so she didn't see my eye roll. I didn't need another person against me — the odds were already stacked and they weren't in my favor.

Glowdusk nods, abruptly leading Issac and I to the train, giving us a full blown tour of virtually every inch of the train. Her peppy mood is back, as if the actions of the last ten minutes never occurred.

After she is done, she dismisses us for the night. I make a mad dash for my room, not wanting to be anywhere near her, or anyone for that matter.

"Pennia?" I hear a shaky voice from behind me as I open my bedroom door, hands already positioned to slam it shut.

"You know it's just Penn, Issac." I reply, turning to see him standing by his door. He easily towers over me — which is ironic because of our two year age gap.

"Are you scared?" He asks, fear obvious in his clear blue eyes but his voice shows none of it. I've come to know Issac all too well over the last few years.

"Of course," I say with a gentle smile before I tug him into my arms, tucking my head into the crook of his neck. "But we'll be okay."

Issac and I had known each other through school — I had stopped him from getting beaten up from upperclassmen back in elementary school. Ever since then, we'd always been close. And it broke my heart to have to be on this train with him, knowing that only one of us could come out in the end.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" Issac asks, pulling himself away from the hug. It's moments like this that take me back in time, to the place where our friendship began.

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