Petty-ful pt2

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So Aubrey how did you and Meagan hook up" Mya said being nosey

"oh a mutual friend of mine I came into new Orleans to do some business and I met her she was actually applying for my assistant position and we hit it off from there", he said smiling.

"So who was this mutual friend" Mya said digging for info.

"Mya, why does it matter?" I said

"No Meg its cool , its totally fine," he said placing his hand on my thigh. " it was Amber, she set the meeting up and when i laid eyes on her it was a wrap".

"Aww babe aint that sweet ?" Mya said looking at Aug for approval

"I guess " He said picking in his food.

We sat there for a few more hours laughing at Aubreys jokes. He made the night go by very quickly and smoothly. But for the most part of the night i had this urge that i was drawn closer to Aubrey. Like my body wanted to be next to him. My hand would nonchalantly land on his leg when i would laugh causing him to place his hand on mine bringing them to his lips to kiss them.

Aubrey paid for dinner and we all headed back to the house it was extremely late to late to go out and hang a little while longer . Which was more then fine with me i was getting tired ..

"Thank you Aubrey for such a nice time" mya said smiling .

"Oh its coo anything for my girls family " he said taking the take out bags out of the car.

They went to my condo and settled in as i got dressed in my pjs for bed in Aubreys room. I laid in his bed as i watched him pace back and fourth.. He was handling a phone call and i could tell he was getting frustrated.

"Aubrey jus hang up its late and your going to be extremely cranky in the morning" i said to him

"Look James i am going to go i will deal with this tomorrow" he said hanging up.

"are you ok" i asked

He sat at the foot of the bed with his head down his body was slumped as if he was defeated. I felt my phone buzz, i reached for it, it was Aug Txting me.

Aug: i wanna talk to you alone

Meg: give me a minute


I put my phone down on the nighstand getting up on my knees crawling across the kingsize bed towards Aubrey. I placed my arms around him pulling him to me . His strong arms hugged my small frame tightly.

"Are you ok?" I asked

"Yeah, jus bullshit with the label"

"You dont need to be handling business so late in the night" i said

"I know but i been trying to get them to give me more time for my mix tape , its done but i feel its mixing something" he said

"Well dont stress yourself its not good, come laydown" i said reaching for his hand guiding him to the head of his bed.

"Oh so im going to get some action with my pretend girlfriend" he said smiling

"Oh my goodness" i smiled

"Ill have you know you will be very pleased with my performance " he added

"Lets jus go to bed"

He got under the covers laying close to me . Before going to sleep he i felt him kiss my shoulder. Causing me to get a small chill . I waited a little bit longer until he was in a deep sleep and got out of bed .. Meet August outside in the back.

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