Digging Holes

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I felt Aubrey's hand on my shoulder and he pulled me closer in a big hug. My Heart was filled with pain, pain of not knowing what happened why it happened the way it did and if she was in fact ok. I cried into his shoulder he was comforting me.

"It's going to be okay I will take you to her" he said in my ear. "Calm down she will be fine".

His soft kind words eased my troubled heart a littlew, Aubrey went to tell the pilot to go to Atlanta instead of our intended destination. I sat in my sit with my hands in my lap trying to compose myself as we waited to land. Sheila was everything I knew as far as a mother goes, she was there for everything I ever had to deal with in my young adulthood, if something happens to her I would die I prayed silently and more thoughts entered my mind. This would be the first time I would see August in like six months was I even ready? I didn't want to face him I couldn't face him and his soon to be expecting girlfriend. Lord knows we should not have crossed that line of our friendship but I know for a fact I was scared to even go all the way with him. August has always been a lover and a pleaser I knew when we kissed that night in the hallway I knew what I was I getting into, I knew that night our relationship was going to be different and who was I kidding, if I was up front and not so fucking confusing giving misleading feelings mixed emotions maybe we could've just been the way we were. That probably would have just made things that much more difficult for my situation I couldn't have children and the moment that Mya said she was pregnant I would have no chance and that's what scared me, scared me from telling him the truth telling him what I was going through. I am not ready to face him and I don't know when I will be.

We finally arrived to Atlanta airport I felt Amber tap me on my shoulder waking me up. "Girl we here" she said getting up out her seat.

I stretched and got up Aubrey handed me my purse leading us towards the exit of the jet. My anxiety started to creep up on me. I tried to control my breathing that's when I felt Aubrey's hand at the small of my back.

"Meg, it's okay" he said in my ear.

"I want to see her and make sure everything is okay and we can go" I said walking out

"Ok" he said.

We got in the car and drove down the familiar road towards the hospital Ambers got out her phone. I watch her dial up a number and put it on speaker. "Trav we are here you guys at the hospital?"

"Yeah we all here, how far are you?"

"Literally a few minutes like five minutes I will see you there" she said hanging up the phone.

I let out a sigh and rested my head back on the head rest of the Maybeck, boy was I nervous but I had to endure the fate that waited for me at the hospital. We finally made it to the Hospital I got out along with Amber and Aubrey.

"Meg are you ok?" Amber asked

"I don't know"

"We'll get through this girl" she said smiling at me.

I looked up at the sky and let out a breath allowing a tear to fall down my cheek. Amber looked at me not knowing what else to say I could see on her face she was scared too, she tried to put on her poker face. But I saw through that. I glanced over at Aubrey he took a phone call and looked up in my direction ending the call.

"Let's go inside" I said walking towards the double doors.

I felt Aubrey grab my hand enter locking his fingers with mine bringing them to his full lips kissing the top of my hand. His bread brushed against my skin giving me shockwaves of small tingles. He slowly let go of my hand and I brought he back to my side and we enter the lobby. My heart was pounding and racing.

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