Not what you think

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I laid there crying my eyes out i was hurt i got up and took the towel off and locked my door. "Do i wana watch a movie are you serious right now" i repeated to myself fucking goofy ass.. I walked to my closet and threw on an old shirt i looked at the shirt and took it off it was August old shirt majority of all my oversize shirts where the ones that accumulated from him staying over every night... Even my closet couldnt get away from this asshole. I Heard my vibrating phone on my dresser it was Chris,
"Hey beautiful" he said
"Hey what you doing up"
"Just leaving work how was your day"
"It was nice"
"Thats coo have you eaten yet"
"Actually i just got out the shower i havent got the chance to eat"
"Oh can i come see you i got chines take out"
"You got food my kinda of guy"
"Ok great it would of been awkward if you said no"
"Uh cuz im pulling up now"
"Ohh" i started to laugh
"Im parking right now"
"Ok im going to be out in a sec"
I threw on my joggers and a tank top with my slippers i went downstairs and i saw August on the sofa laying down and Mya in the kitchen.. I went to the door and there he was tall and beautiful.
"Hey" i said smiling
"Hey" he replied giving me the same shy smile.
I let him in the house and we walked behind the sofa Aug was laying on..
"Who dat" he said sitting up.
"Nobody for you" i said rolling my eyes.
He looked at me and i knew he was pissed i laughed to myself he was stupid. We went up stairs to my room.
"You can sit on my bed excuse the mess im still getting situated" i said turning on the light..
"Oh you good smells good in here whats is that Chanel?"
"Yeah i got as a gift from August there scented candles" here we go again i cant get away from talking about him in a conversation." So how was you ur day" i said sitting indian style on the bed as he took the small boxes of food out the bags.
"It was nice very productive but i couldnt get my mind off of you for some reason you leave a lasting impression on a person" he said taking some chow main in his mouth.
"Is that right,"
"Yea its something about you"
"Well i hope its a good thing"
"Yea its good" he smiled
We sat in my room talking for a coo minute. Until i was starting to get sleepy..
"Well sweetheart i have lots of work tomorrow it was nice hanging with you" he said standing up i got out the bed and gave him a hug.
"Let me walk you out"
He got his stuff together and. We headed out to the front.. I walked him outside to his car.
"Aight i will call you when i get off work"
He said walking towards me giving me a hug.
"Ok" i wrapped my arms around his neck and he went for a kiss. I kissed him back locking my lips with his.. He pulled away gazing in my eyes.
"I can kiss you for hours" i smiled when he said that.
"Call me" i kissed him once more.
"Aight beautiful" he hugged me and went to his car i waved bye and he drove off.
I went in the house and upstairs to my room.. I felt August grabbed my hand
"Can i talk to you" he said holding my hand walking me to his room..
"Ok" i sat on his bed at the edge.
"meg im sorry, you know i love you and i will do anything for you anything" he said
"Yea i love you too"
"Lastnight when we had sex i enjoyed it i dont want you to think im using you cause im not i want to be with you"
"How August? How you wana be with me and you still with her"
"I will break up with her"
"August no" i said getting up
"Yeah, no we need to remain just friends" i said walking towards the door. He looked sad my response crushed him i know it did
And i somewhat felt horrible.
He got up and walked up to me standing in front of me towering over me.
"Why august? Because i gave you my body lastnight which i shouldnt have i dont sleep around and you that.. But i thought i was giving myself to a person that valued what i was giving them instead i come back and your fucking her less than 24 hours later" i opened to door getting ready to leave out.
"I didnt sleep with her" he said closing the door.
"Oh so thr bitch was just moaning to moan all loud and shit"
"No i gave her a massage her back is fucked up from accident a year ago" he looked at me like i was crazy
"So all that oohhh baby thats it dnt stop"
"Was from me massaging her back i swear to you i didnt fuck her i was going to break up with her and she came over crying and shit i felt bad and couldnt do it" i literally felt stupid, but i was starting to really like chris i was torn at this point..
"So thats why you was acting funny to me Meg"
"No"i lied
"Thats why you called Chris over to get me jealous"
"Don't lie you did it to try to get me back, i know you Meagan"
"Noo i told you no"
He pulled me into him wapping his arms around my waist,
"You tried to make me jealous Big head"
He kissed my check.
"No i didnt i didnt call him over he just popped up"
"Its cool come lay with me"
"Lets get in the bed Meg stop playing" he picked me up taking me to his bed laying me down he laid next to me wrapping his arms around me and putting his leg over me.

Plz ten comments for another update

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