House visit

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We drove in silence i didn't have much to say so i just set there i set there listening to our silence. I just got fired and not for doing the job wrong i was fired cause he wanted to pursue me.. We got to our destination there were cars parked out front ..

"This is a party" i said looking confused

"Yeah, you getting out or staying in" he said
He came to my side and opened my door."cmon girl" he said reaching his hand out to me.

I took his hand getting up out the car. He held my hand in his as we walked up the small steps to the house. He knocked hon the door a few times and the door opened. We were greeted by  Nicki minaj, her self i froze she was gorgeous in person.

"Hey come in " she said smiling

"Nicki this is Meagan, Meagan Nicki" he said introducing us.

"Hi you doing" she said closing the door..

We followed her to the back of her house as we walked i admired her art work and her platinum plaques on the wall. We came to another big room there was music playing good and drinks followed by weed smoke. Aubrey kept me close to him.

"Me done found him" nicki said passing him a glass of what I guessed was patron. She had a smile on her face.  Her accent was cute aubrey took the glass and sipped it.

"Im going to be right back" he said kissin my cheek.

I was in this large livingroom sitting down with a glass in my hand smelling the beautiful smell of weed in the air there was no need to smoke the air was thick with the aroma. Just inhaling the air alone you would get contact. I sat there hearing the Caribbean style music play.

"Who you here with"  i heard a voice say.
I turned and looked to my left and it was no other then Rihanna, she was gorgeous i was stuck captured by her beauty man she was pretty.

"I came with Aubrey" i said trying to talk over the radio.

"You came with my Canadian?"

"Umm huh" i was confused "your canadian? Him and i are not together " I corrected her she looked at me with a devilish grin.

"I know" she said walking away from me.

I sat there dumb founded to her little claim on Aubrey why do these bitches keep trying me. Nicki came and sat down next to me.

"Meagan dont let Ri, get to you"

"Oh, im not" i said

"Your pretty and there for your competition"

"You gotta be kidding me what are we like five" i laughed at her childishness.

"With her you gotta boss up she a sneaky little bitch and she will keep trying you"

As we talked Aubrey walked in the room i watched as Rihanna approached him they immediately started to dance she was very persistent which in my mind was annoying. Aubrey kept trying to get away but i could tell  deep down he wanted her . It was weird it was like he liked the cat and mouse game playing and pretending he didn't like it when in fact he enjoyed ever bit of it.

I watched as she danced on him slow grinding her hips on him. The face he made indicated she was doing a great job. And from the looks of where i was sitting she was doing just that.
I wanted to find myself out of this situation so i got up and got some air. Something i needed i started to make my way to the backyard when i made eye contact with Aubrey he moved away from Rihanna looked my way smiling. Little do she know i was unbothered by her behavior.

I stepped outside,compared to inside outside was less stuffy and the air was cooler. I gazed out at the view, Nicki's house was amazing. Having a ocean front view would be the dopest to have. I looked out watching the waves crashing in and out the sound of the tide relaxed me along with the night sky's cool breeze.

"The view out here is amazing" i heard Aubrey say walking up from behind standing next to me.

"Yeah it's gorgeous" I continued looking at the view.

"Meg, i dont want to put you in a tough spot, i do like you i can respect our business relationship, i dont want to be that guy "

"What do you mean "that guy" ? I find that very hard to believe did you come up with that before or after you had your grinding session" he started to smile which literally blew my mind. I tried to hold my ground but its hard trying to keep a straight face.

"I dont wanna be the demanding kinda guy so you can have your job back i was out if line for firing you and you're right i am your boss we should keep a professional  work ethics between i apologize Meagan"  

"Wait lemme make sure i hear this correctly your apologizing for firing me and trying to pursue me romantically "

"Yes thats right"

I was stunned at how everything just changed that quick he had this look of clarity like he understood why i had my request  and took back everything . I was really thrown with a curve.

"Ok good im glad we're both on the same page" i said turning my attention to the ocean.

"I'm giving you back your job that doesn't mean i still dont want you ill give you some time " he said smiling

"Ok , im not going to change my mind" i said as a matter of fact.

"Sure" he said walking away


"Baby what are you doing?" Mya said standing in the doorway watching me.

"What does it look like Mya?" I Said going through each drawer grabbing clothes.

I looked up and i noticed she had tears in her eyes I instantly felt bad. "Please dont cry" i pleaded

"I cant help it, ever since you came back from yo mothers house you been acting funny to me"

"How have i been acting funny?"

"Well for starters you leave the bedroom once you think im asleep and get on your phone, who is she?" Mya cried harder

"Who is who?" I said looking at her dumb founded

"The girl you love so much, i saw your txt massages and she's not stored in your phone who is she? Is it Meagan"

I stood there stuck not knowing what to say or how to say it.

"Damn it August its Meagan isnt it?"


"Why cant you just leave the past alone, we'er going to be a family"

"Baby i know , i jus"

"Please save the bullshit for her is that where your going? Thats why your packing up your stuff?"

I didn't want to lie to her but i for sure wasn't ready to tell her the truth.

"Chill out Mya your stressing over nothing"

"Over nothing are you fucking serious right now , how am i supposed to feel im pregnant im fucking hormonal i haven't seen my vagina in months let alone my feet not to mention i gained over forty pounds and to add salt to my wound your texting her behind my back. So again where are you going? ". She kept rambling on..

"California" i said

"Whats in California?"

"Im going to visit Meg"

Her name alone sparked her to roll her eyes instantly. I continued to finish packing ignoring her.

"So you wasnt going to tell me i had to ask?"

"I didnt think i had to"

"Well you do and im going too" she said walking to the closet grabbing her rolling luggage.

I wasnt in the mood to fight or to argue with Mya, if going was going to shut her ass up then i was going to bring her like i had a choice.

Sorry its not much
I really haven't been up to writing
I cant really say why but i haven't..
Sorry its not thar long i will try to update again
Thanks for the love!!

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