Summer time fun (V x reader)

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"Are we forgetting anything?" I asked my sister. We've been up since yesterday preparing everything for the surprise-Tae-on-his-birthday-pool-party. Everyone knew about me coming but clueless Tae. The only thing he knows is that he's here for his photoshoot, I leaned on the rooftop railing that looked over L.A.
I checked my phone for the thousandth time, when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "go lay down (Y/n). I've got it from here." My sister said.

"Are you sure? What if-"

"There's nothing to worry about (Y/n). The boys won't be here for another four hours. Plus you look exhausted." She said "I'll wake you up before they get here." I sighed in defeat,

"Fine." I said and went into the guest room.

My phone buzzed next to my face on my pillow, it was a text from Hobbie, "our plane is landing soon. Be there in a hour." I gasped and jump out of bed.
"How long was I sleep?" I asked myself as I comb my hair, "oh God what should I wear?" I panicked
"A swimsuit." Said a voice from behind me, my sister stood in the door way with a binki top on and booty shorts. "You're over thinking this."

"You think so?"

"Uh yeah." She said

"Did you get Hobbie's text?"

She nodded "just pick something cute." She turned on her heels and let me alone in our hotel room. I went into the bathroom and splashed water in my face. "Relax." I told myself "just relax." I found my bathing suit (f/c) top and (f/c) bottoms, I put them on and slipped on my cotton shorts and a flow white see through shirt with black sandels and went into the living room.

"Aw! (Y/n) you look so cute! Tae would love it!" My sister said.

I smiled bashfully "thanks."

"The boys are down the hallway" she spat, "quick hide!" I hurried behind door while my sister sprinted back to hide our suitcases then ran back to hide under the table. We heard the card slot ding and the door unlock, we bit our tongues. The door opened and the boys came in one by one, she held up her hand then counted down. Five, four, my sister crawled out from under the table making Jin scream. She laughed as they applaud her, three. She positioned Tae with his back to me, perfect. Two, I steadily tip toed behind him, I stood on my tip toes and put my hands over his eyes. One.
"Guess who?" I grinned, he swiftly spun around and swept me off my feet and into his arms.

"(Y/n)!!!" He said with happiness burrowing his face in my shoulder. The boys laughed watching he's reaction. Tae soon he put me down, he wiped his eyes from either laughing to hard or crying; either way it was adorable. "How did you know that I was coming!? You guys knew!?" He asked in realization, they all laughed and clapped him on the shoulders and back. He shook his head but still smiled.

"Sorry to ruin the reunion" Jin spoke up, "but when is dinner?" He asked

After the large dinner made by Jin and my sister along with the party everyone had a blast and were all parted out. Earlier today my sister went home.

I stepped into the cool pool and sat on the steps listening to small waves hit pool walls. Slowly I slipped under the water closing my eyes. The water started to ripple as someone stepped into the pool after me,
"Tae?" I poked my head up as he smiled above me and wiped the water out my eyes "what are you still doing up?"

"What are you still doing up?" He splashed me I squeaked and splashed him back. He screamed and swam after me. I laughed and tried to swim away. We poked our heads out the water,

"HEY!!" Someone screamed from their downstair balconi, "I'm trying to sleep!! Keep it down!!" I covered my mouth to keep from laughing loud as Tae apologized in Korean.

He swam to me as I felt a hand under my butt as he slipped his waist in between my legs. His wet hair stuck to his face. I rapped my legs around his wait as he held me our noses pressed against each other.

"I missed you (Y/n)." He pulled himself closer to me closing the gap between our us. "Do you really have to leave tomorrow?" He kissed my neck softly

"Yes Tae. I'm sorry that I can't stand longer." I told him running my fingers through his tangglie hair. I felt him smirk against my skin.

"Can I give you something to remember me by?"

I giggled "you're saying it like I'll never see you agian-" he kissed my neck and sucked hard. I tilted my head to the side and pulled on his hair softly. He pulled away slowly as carried me out the pool walking me to my room.

At my door he unlocked my door and carried me into my room and laid me on the bed. "I love you (Y/n)." Tae smiled and kissed my neck for the last time
"I love you too." I said and kissed him sweetly. He shut off the lights and closed the door behind him. I closed my eyed smiling wide to myself then finally went to sleep.

"It was a lot of fun seeing you all again, sorry I can't stay longer." I said to the boys the next morning.
"We had a lot of fun too (Y/n)" Jin said helping me with my bags. I waved them good bye as they went back upstairs to get ready for their photoshoot,
"Hey (Y/n)?" Rap Monster asked


"What are those on your neck?"

I pulled up my scarf over the hickeys. "It really looks bad." He said sarcastically snickering as I blushed.

"Don't ask."

~Tae POV~
"Don't you want to tell (Y/n) good-bye?" Jungkook asked me.

I thought back to last night and smirked "I already did. I told her good-bye this morning."

Rap Monster came in and gave me a proud look. Then walked back to his makeup chair.

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