Biggest fan (Jimin x reader)

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The crowd chanted our name, fans reached their hand out and into the heavens. The faces were covered by darkness only thing we could see were thousand blinking lights. I am a star.

My band members and I waved our fans good bye as we stepped backstage where other people were getting ready to preform next. I scanned the faces of people until I found my boyfriend Jimin, a singer and dancer in BTS. "Hey babe, you did an amazing job." Jimin said as he hugged me.

"Thank you oppa, you will do great too." He kissed my cheek, "I'll see you after this okay?" He said holding my hands.
"Okay." I smiled then went back to our changing room. We sat at our table that was reserved for us, we watched them preform Dope and I Need U. Let's not forget my time favorite Run, my best friend and I sung along to Run. I had my eyes glued on Jimin and bit my lip and grinned. Why is he so sexy?

Justine tapped me on the shoulder and placed a finger on her lips, "You're drooling again (Y/n)." I covered my mouth with my hand and grabbed a napkin.
"Just kidding." They laughed as I flushed pink tho I couldn't help but smile.
"Can't keep your eyes off of him can you?"
"Can you blame me?" I asked
"He is kinda-"
I shot her a glare. "Sorry."
The girls made ooing sounds. "Oh stop it." I pushed playfully them. I danced around in my seat when Jimin grinned his hips . Ugh! I could feel my stomach turn to jelly. The stage darkened towards the end of their last song. They left behind thousands of screaming fans. Including myself.

Jimin stood in front of a camera talking, I walked to him and rapped my arms around his waist. He pointed to me "if she gets a better award than me, I'm going to punish her." He winked with a smirked plastered on his face. I fought the urge to say something sexy back, instead I smiled and hugged him. "I'll gladly take you up on that offer."

Now it was time for the awards, as we clapped one by one groups were called on stage to accept their rewards.
The announcer called out the nominees for the best music video and best song category, BTS and Our Time were both nominated the group held each other close we crossed our fingers and toes, we held our breathes.
"The award for the best music video and album of 2016 goes to....Our Time!!"

The crowd erupted with screams, not only of our fans but by us too. Our leader Justine, gently took the plack out of the annoncers hands and prepared a speech. We gave our thanks to our fans, the people who made this all possible blah blah. We walked in front of the paparazzi with our award. We flashed smiled and took turns holding it. Afterhe ceremony and the paparazzi had left. The night died down and I was home in my dorm taking a shower.

"(Y/n)!" Justine said "Jimin is on the phone!" I got out the shower raping myself in a towel. I opened the door and took the phone, "thanks. Hey babe what's up?"

"Hey, I'm in front of your dorm. Come outside." He said.

"Okay." I slipped on a dress and flats and headed outside.

The night was cool with only a few clouds, the moon hung high in the night sky. He sat on my step leaning against the rail "You look beautiful."
I smiled and looked down "I just threw something on."
He got up"I love it." And rapped his arms around my waist, he pulled me close then leaned in. "Why are you here oppa?"
"I wanted a kiss."
"I thought you were going to punish me." I joked
"Just kiss me."
I smirked placing my lips on his.

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