New Start (Suga x reader)

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"Another fight (Y/n)?" My principle sat at her desk reading through the report from the teachers. "Don't you want to go to college? Don't you get tired of fighting?"
"I don't fight for kicks." I said
"You have much-"
"Potential." I rolled my eyes, "You've told me all before. With all do respect but people like me have nothing going for them."
She sighed and continued typing on the computer,
"One more fight and I'll be forced to kick you out of this school. I'm sorry (Y/n). " I nodded and got up throwing my book bag over my shoulders and walked out.

Who needs school? It's a waste of time, I'm not going to apologize for what I've done. No one apologized for making me this way. She thought she could push her around, I told her to back off. Not my fault.

"Hey!" Someone called from down the hall. I kept walking, a guy jumped in front of me clearly out of breath. He had soft blond hair and dark eyes. "Yes?" I asked
"You didn't hear me calling you? I saw what you did."
"I thought you were looking for someone else. Who didn't?" I walked around him, he walked beside me.

"Those girl has been bullying one of my friends."
He shrugged "Wanted to say thanks." He said it as if it explained why he's talking to me.
I shrugged "She messed with the wrong person. Shouldn't you be in class?" I asked

"I had to use the bathroom." We stopped in front of the school's entrance.
"Looks like this is my stop. See ya."

"Will you be back at school tomorrow (Y/n)?" I began to ask how he knew my name but who wouldn't know my name by now. I kept walking without a word.

I opened my front door and tossed my bag into a corner. I walked upstairs to the bathroom and ran a bath. Sitting in the bath water pulling my knees into my chest I cried quietly. I don't mean to be mean, I don't want to be this way, but it's easier said then done.
Wanting all this to be over, I got out got dressed and walked in my room then fell asleep.

The next morning at school I walked past the whispering students behind my back. Not that I minded. I was going up to the roof before first period like I usually do when I noticed someone was following me. I picked up my walking speed and cut around the corner. When I peaked around the corner the hallway was empty. I shut my eyes for a second to clear my mind. I really need a day off.

I spun on my heels then was shoved face first into the stairs. "What the f-" I gripped my fist and looked up at girls glaring daggers down at me.

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