An Afterword

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  Hello! Thank you for staying until the very end of this story. It was my first fanfiction I had ever written on Wattpad. I think I published the first part on February 16th.

  I did change up timelines, but it was all laid out at the end. I hope that you readers liked the ending! I know it was a big step to take, especially since Chara had to kill all...

  But that concludes this story! Feel free to ask questions about it (if you have any) and I'll try my best to answer.

  Also.. I guess this story is completed now? I may write a little oneshot about the characters of Undertale at Disney World (I just love that theme park to pieces! And most of the movies). I think it would be interesting, and fun to write.

And thanks to TigerCat321 for making the Alphyne edit! The fanart was not ours though.

  If you like Mettaton just as much as I do, I am also writing a Mettaton x Reader. So you can see that if you would like!

  Thank you so much for reading this fanfiction! I'll make sure it's completed after I write the DisneyTale chapter! :^]



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