Undyne's Fight (Ch6)

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I sat down beside Papyrus and Sans at Grillby's. Sans and I ordered a burger, and Papyrus had his usual spaghetti.

"You know, this spaghetti just doesn't taste as good as my own. Nyeh heh heh! Undyne has taught me well!" He said with a smile.

"Say," Sans said. "Have you introduced Undyne to Stephanie?"

"No, net yet. But maybe she can meet her today! I'll surprise her with an extra guest! NYEH HEH HEH!" Papyrus said with wide eyes. Sans got a look of worry.

"I don't know about that Papyrus," he started, "Undyne might not like you bringing people she doesn't know without permission. You know how she gets." Sans made a crazy face.

"I agree with Sans, I don't want to leave a bad impression," I said worriedly. Undyne looked pretty powerful, and she was studying for the Royal Guard. I was not about to be toast (but maybe with jam).

"Nyeh heh heh! Undyne loves surprises! I would know," Papyrus said, raising one eyebrow.

"Right," Sans chuckled.

"I'M GOING TO STEP OUT FOR A BIT, UNDYNE IS GONNA BE SO HAPPY!" Papyrus said while running out. Sans looked back and shrugged.

"So, how do you guys digest food anyway? You guys are pretty hollow," I said without thinking. "No offense."

"None taken. But, I just eat because Papyrus mainly wants me to try his spaghetti. You get used to eating, but it's best not to think about how to get rid of it," he said with a wink. What was that supposed to mean? "Papyrus can't get the hang of it," he said while pointing to a trail of spaghetti leading outside.

"Papyrus will learn, I promise. But he wouldn't be himself without that spontaneous spark," I said reassuringly.

"Yeah," Sans said. "He's a good brother. But I suggest we leave, you've got to see Undyne tomorrow."

I looked down, and nodded. Sans paid and escorted me and Papyrus back to the dorms. All-in-all, it was a nice day with my two friends.

"Papyrus?" I asked.

"YES?" He said back excitedly.

"So, uh, about Undyne," I trailed off. How would I put this without revealing that I'm human? "Is she like a.. Pacifist?"

"For monsters, but right when she sees a human, they will die. SHE'S TOO GOOD!" Papyrus said bashfully. "BUT NOT AS GOOD AS I WILL BE! NYEH HEH HEH!"

"You'll get there one day, Papyrus. But, can she like, recognize a human soul?" I stalled. I had to tell him, especially if he was going to be my friend.

"DUH! Cool people like Undyne can totally do that. They're cool dudes."

"Ah, I'll take note of that," I said back with a grin. I glanced at the pretty golden flowers again, and pondered why so many were here.

"Looking at the flowers, I see?" Sans asked.

"Yeah, they're everywhere."

"I've heard rumors about Alphys using them as a vessel for souls. She may have even injected a few monster souls into them, like that would work. King Asgore probably made her experiment on it."


"Yeah," Sans said looking down at the ground.

"So she just goes out and picks some of these flowers to use?" I asked. I was intrigued.

"Possibly. Those are just rumors though. Besides, she'll need a lot of determination," Sans said with a shrug.


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