Party Queen Alphys (Ch3)

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"So, Stephanie," Temmie said while I was getting everything ready to go. It was my first day of class.

"What is it Temmie? I'm a little busy at the moment," I said while putting about three books into my backpack. I had chosen a chocolate-brown backpack, and it had white heart designs on it. I wanted a little piece of my childhood with me.

"Well... My friend Bob goes to this college too! He's throwing a party at his fraternity house! He said that any friend of mine could come, and the best part is, he speaks regular English. Now you'll actually understand him," Temmie said with a big smile.

"Um," I stuttered, "I-I'm not really into p-parties."

"Aw come on! I'm sure you'll be fine. Besides, you can't be as socially awkward as Alphys. She went to my high school, and let me tell you, she was too shy to even speak. Although, she did attempt to talk to Undyne—" Temmie stopped talking mid-sentence to ponder on her old memories. I used that time to make an exit and find my building.

"Bye Temmie!" I yelled back at her.

I speed-walked through the middle of the campus, past Toriel and Asgore's buildings, and past Administrations. I had my nose stuck in a map the whole time. The campus seemed unusually large. They had buildings for magic, creating EXP, and even things like monster science.

"Where on Earth are these medical classes?!" I whisper-yelled.

I woke up at 7:00 in the morning for this! I literally had about ten minutes to get to class. If I could find the building.

It was in the key on the map, but I had to keep twisting and turning the paper. I eventually found it beside a library, which was convenient. I rushed up the stairs of the building, and into class.


  "Hello everyone, welcome. I am Anne, and I will be your professor for a while."

  As I took one of my seats, I looked up at Anne. She was yellowish, but also orange. Her scales were green, and she was wearing a grey sweater. Her stomach extended outward. She was expecting.

  "As you all can see, I am pregnant, and you will NOT mess with me. You are mature adults, not stupid kids," she said holding up a claw.

  "Now, I hope you brought textbooks. You're going to need them, flip to page fifty-seven. We're going to be learning about mental care."

  A hand rose up in the room. Anne called out on him.

  "Uh, we're all new. Shouldn't we get to know each other a little better?"

  She stood there for a moment, but a smile spread on her scaly face.

  "Sure why not! Well, I'm going to start this off by saying that you should raise your hands for this activity, it will be much easier to identify you," Anne said while going to her chalkboard.

  "Now, you're going to raise a hand, and choose a person from the class to question."

  A hand was immediately raised from a girl in the front. She was a bear, and she had curly hair and a big bow.

  "Miss Anne, what will your child be named?"

  Her eyes went wide for a moment, but then she laughed.

  "Well I don't know the gender yet. People just keep calling my child 'Monster Kid.'"

Interesting. But then my heart started to race. My lifelong dream was to become a nurse... But for HUMANS. I know nothing about the anatomy of a monster, and by the looks of it, there are too many types.

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