You Weren't Invited (Ch16)

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  "I t ' s  g r a d u a t i o n  d a y," a voice called out.

  "Who is that?" I shouted back.

  "N o  n e e d  t o  b e  s o  c o l d,  I ' m  h e r e  t o  c o n g r a d u l a t e  y o u," the voice chuckled.

"Am I dreaming?" I asked while confused.

"I t ' s o n l y a m e r e d r e a m i f y o u n e v e r m a k e y o u r i d e a i n t o r e a l i t y."

And that's when I woke up. Temmie was beside me with nervous eyes.

"Stephanie! Are you awake?" She called out. Temmie started to shake me violently. "Wake up!"

I turned a bright shade of crimson as I realized Temmie was trying to wake me up.

  "I'm awake," I replied groggily.

  "Oh phew! You really troubled me, you know!" Temmie said as a she rubbed sweat off of her face.

  "What do you mean by that, Temmie?" I yawned.

"You were mumbling in your sleep about a weird, disembodied voice. It lectured you about graduation, apparently," Temmie chuckled. "I guess you were nervous."

"Huh, I guess I was a little," I said as I began to wake up a bit more.

"But we've gotta hurry! Throw on your cap and gown!" Temmie yipped.

"Oh right! Temmie, where's your paring?" I asked as I went over to the closet.

"Stephanie, you must be joking," Temmie giggled. "I've got it on right now!"

I studied Temmie a little closer than before. She was wearing a golden, small cap, and most of it was covered up by the fur on her head. Her gown was golden, too. But she also wore her striped shirt on top of it. What a fashion choice.

I hastily pulled my gown out of the closet, and got a regular outfit out, too. I'll wear my gown over the ensemble.

My cap was on the birch desk, the desk that I would soon be leaving behind.

  "We've been through so much," I said as tears escaped my eyes. They trickled down my cheeks.

  "Stephanie, you'll be okay," Temmie said sincerely. "We'll all stick with you on your journey, I promise."

  "Thanks Temmie, you're such a good friend," I exclaimed as I ran to hug her.

  "Oh, now you're making me tear up! Bob can't even do that!" Temmie cried joyfully. I giggled a little.

  "I'm going to put on my clothes," I said as I exited the embrace. "I'll be right back."

  I jumped into the closet and put them on. It was a pretty effective way to make sure nobody sees you.

  "Okay, we really need to go! The ceremony is going to start in an hour!" Temmie exclaimed.

"Sure sure! Let's go!" I agreed. "And Temmie, you're gonna have a lot of stuff in here that you'll need to pack up."

"Yeah, I know. I was hoping you would help me with that," Temmie said as she nervously laughed. "But that's not on my mind right now."

"Of course. It's time to go and graduate!"

  Temmie and I had walked confidently through the auditorium and took our seats beside Alphys, Mettaton, Undyne, Sans, and Papyrus. Toriel and Asgore were at opposite ends of the huge stage in the front.

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