Cleaning Out the Lab (Ch12)

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  Hello! And thanks to everyone who has read this story, it means a lot. Thanks for helping me achieve 300+ reads! Now, onto the story!

Alphys, and I were at Toriel's grand building, her office to be exact.

"So, how come there are no humans down here? Except me of course," I asked Toriel while taking a bite of her Cinnamon/Butterscotch pie.

  She was sorting books thoroughly, but she glanced up at me and sighed.

  "I'm deeply sorry, my child," she said while awkwardly looking down at her furry feet, "but I have no explanations of how you've ended up underground."

"Seriously," I muttered, "how did my plane even get underground? Temmie was even there!"

"That is certainly odd," Toriel said, "but we'll have to toss it aside for now."

Toriel sat down at her desk and dusted off a binder, but she immediately put it away after she read it's title.

"Toriel? Is something wrong?" I asked her with worried eyes.

"Oh, um, do not fret over me, Stephanie," Toriel replied meekly. Her eyes were watering up, but she had the will to stop crying.

"Ms. T-Toriel?" Alphys asked looking up, and she walked towards Toriel's desk. She put a scaly finger on the dusty binder, and I could have sworn I heard her mutter, Asriel.

"Y-You've kept it f-for many y-years," Alphys said tenderly. "A-And these memories aren't s-sad. They're happy moments of happy times."

"Thank you, dear Alphys," Toriel sighed. She shut the book and carefully placed it back on a random shelf.

"Now," Toriel said gazing out the window, "why don't we go clean out your lab, Dr. Alphys?"

"O-Oh you don't h-have to. I-I'll eventually get around t-to it. I've got e-extra animes in t-there you know," Alphys giggled. I smiled.

"It's fine, Alphys. We'd be happy to help a friend," I told her.

"T-Thanks Stephanie. Thanks T-Toriel," Alphys said, pushing her glasses up on the bridge of her nose.

"Okay Dr. Alphys," Toriel smiled, "take us to your lab. I have some spare boxes here."

"O-Oh thank y-you. My old lab w-was in Asgore's b-building," Alphys said while stumbling over a few boxes. I helped her keep her balance.

"I'll carry the boxes for you, Alphys," I said proudly. I started to balance boxes not only on my head, but on other boxes.

"Right this way, my child," Toriel said as she guided me outside the door.

Alphys scurried out of the doorway and grabbed her keys to the laboratory. We walked across the intersection to Asgore's building. The golden flowers were still blooming prettily, but they weren't as wonderful as they used to be.

"Gosh," I coughed ,"how dusty can an elevator get?"

"S-Sorry, nobody's been d-down here for about t-two weeks," Alphys said. She was cleaning her glasses with her lab coat.

"It's quite alright, Dr. Alphys. At least we didn't run into Asgore," Toriel shuddered at mentioning his name. I couldn't really understand what she was feeling, but I bet Asgore's damage was pretty severe.

"Y-Yeah," Alphys replied. The elevator doors opened to the lab. It was still the same white color with some baize tiles. But the plants were drooping and losing their bright, vivid color.

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