Toriel's Building (Ch4)

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"Ugh, what time is it?" I asked when I woke up.

  "It's 8:30 in the morning, why do you ask?" Temmie said. She was trying to draw a picture for her new binder, but she didn't have any real thumbs.

  "Oh okay then.." I said as I lay my head back onto my pillow. I didn't think I had any classes today.

  "Hey Stephanie?" Temmie asked, nudging my arm.

  "What is it?" I said back, scrunching my arm away.

  "Don't you have an health class, today? You know, for mentally treating patients," Temmie said while looking down upon my face. I could smell the cereal she ate this morning, it woke me right up.

  I immediately grabbed my schedule. "No,no, look on my schedule," I said handing it to her. She grabbed it, and then she started laughing.

  "You're late for class," she said while holding the paper up to my face. My eyes adjusted, and I saw the time 8:25.
I was five minutes late for this class.

  "Oh dear.."

  "Don't worry, it's in Toriel's building. It's right behind the dorms, near Administrations," Temmie said with a nod.

  "Thanks Temmie, what a lifesaver."

  I got my stuff ready, and wore some nice fluffy clothes. It was getting very cold out. I shut the door on the way out.

  I let myself out into the brisk air, and started walking to Toriel's building. It was a grand building, with columns and hearts engraved into it. There were stunning glass doors and windows. The steps inside were grand.


  The inside was even better. There was a nice purple carpet, and a statue of a goat wearing a dress.

  "Goat-mom," a student said while passing by. She did look like a goat.

  I walked upstairs where the classes were. I entered class 420 B. The doors made the most embarrassing sound and I opened them, and stepped through to my seat.

  "Ugh, you up there who just came in, what's your name?" The professor said.

  "Stephanie," I said. My voice got quieter with each syllable.

  "Okay, well you're tardy," a low tone said. The professor was a huge rabbit, and his voice was as low as a lion's roar. Interesting for a rabbit. He was also wearing a suit, along with a nice bow tie.

  "Today, we are learning how our actions can change the minds of different types of monsters. For an example, I'll give you an easy one that you should all know. What is the best thing to do for a tsunderplane?"

  A monster raised their hand. "You must approach it. Then you can stay in the green areas to spare it during its turn."

  "Very good! Stephanie might be able to learn from you!" The professor said with a smirk.

  The student smiled and went back to reading their book. They were being too nice to this teacher.

  "Any how, open your books to page 155, we will be learning about how to act upon a tsunderplane and any opponents that it may travel with," the professor said while holding a book in hand.

  I didn't have the book. I didn't actually know I would be studying about this stuff, or monsters in general. I just wanted to be a nurse.

  I raised my hand, and the professor opened his mouth the speak, but I cut him off. "Uh, I don't have a book for this class. I only came here to be a nurse, you see."

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