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I woke up and I felt all hazy, I had just remember what had happened . I remembered what happened between Jacob and I and Mark and I . it just came back to me and I instantly started to bawl my eyes out . I cried until their was no tears left in me . I didn't know what to do so I just stood their and cried . I knew I had to get up and face the world some day so I dragged my butt out of bed and tried to go to apologize to Mark first so I walked to his house and banged on his door and wouldn't stop the tears were pouring down his eyes .

Finally the door opened and I quickly stopped banging to see Marks mom she quickly asked what was wrong and I said "I don't want to talk about it ,but do you think I can please speak to Mark ?" She had caring eyes as she called Mark down , Mark looked at me and saw my face and saw the tears pouring out and hugged me he didn't say anything he just hugged me . I felt bad because I felt like I was forcing him by crying , but I couldn't stop and I wouldn't let him go .

I didn't know if we were cool or not , but I didn't want to stop hugging him as we finally stopped I said through my sniffles that I was so sorry and that I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable and before I could say anything else he smashed his lips into mine and for a couple of seconds I kissed him back , but I knew it was wrong I knew I had to be with Jacob so I quickly stopped kissing him and took a step back . Before I could say anything he stopped me and put his finger to my mouth and said " I know you don't want to date , but I wanted to kiss you one last time , I just want to remember what our last kiss was like . I'm sorry and I do get that we can only be friends , but just know it will take a while for me to get over you ." I gave him a tight hug and said " thanks for understanding , umm ... Do you think I can talk to Jacob? Mark told me to go upstairs and talk to him so that's what I went to do .

I went to his door and knocked on it , but no one answered was . He opened the door slowly and I quickly saw him and tried to talk to him , but he pushed me a side I quickly said " Jacob I know your mad about the party , but st- "

Jacob interrupted " You think I'm angry about that ?!" He laughed angrily , but continued " I'm not mad about that I'm mad that you didn't even come to me first , I'm your boyfriend , but obviously you like Mark more , I saw you . I saw you with Mark , and that's not even what hurt the most , what hurt the most was that he kissed you and you kissed him back ! , I get it I'm not Mark , but if you want him don't put me through all this suffering by stringing me along ." He was about to close the door on me , but I used all my force to pull it back . I quickly said with tears covering the rim of my eyes " Jacob it's not what it looked like I love Mark as a friend , but I love you as more than a friend ." He looked his eyes softened , but just for a second and he said " I don't care I can't just be your second go to , I don't want to be anyone's second choice , I want to be your only ."

I couldn't say anything else because he quickly shut the door with a bang . The entire thing finally sank in and I ran home and cried , I couldn't deal with this anymore , I just wanted to be normal . I wanted to have my mom here , I wanted to have my best friend and boyfriend , I want to be normal and have no issues , I  left Jacobs and Marks house and went to mine where I slept and slept and slept .

Bullied by Jacob Sartorius // J.S fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now