A Few Months Later - 'The Dance' Tour

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Stevie sat in her dressing room, straightening her hair, getting ready for the show. A knock came from behind her and a sense of déjà vu crept up her back. “Come in!” She called out, putting the straighteners down and beginning to put her foundation on. She smiled as Lindsey appeared in the door. His face was troubled and nervous and Stevie didn’t like it. “What’s wrong, Linds?” She asked, turning around to face him. Lindsey looked at the beautiful face of the woman he had loved for over thirty years, since the day he’d met her. Her beautiful face, without it’s mask of makeup, looked up at him in concern. He cringed; that made what he was about to tell Stevie even more difficult. Stevie patted the space beside her. “Come sit down and tell me what’s wrong.” Lindsey let out a long breath and sat next to her. He couldn’t get the words out, so she watched him for a few minutes. “Lindsey, what’s wrong?” “It’s Kristen.” Lindsey said at last. “What about her? Is she okay?” Lindsey nodded. “She’s… pregnant.” Lindsey words hit Stevie like a ton of bricks. Pregnant? No, Kristen couldn’t do that. Stevie had allowed her to have Lindsey; she’d never said anything about letting them have children together. ‘It were supposed to be our baby.’ Stevie thought sadly, forcing herself not to cry. She looked back at Lindsey when the wave of shock had passed over her… and she smiled. Lindsey looked confused. “Why’re you smiling? Aren’t you angry?” He asked. Stevie shook her head. “Why?” Lindsey asked, standing up. “Why aren’t you excited?” Stevie asked, standing up too. “I am. But I just…” “Thought I’d make a bigger deal of it?” Stevie finished for him. Lindsey nodded. Stevie sighed and took Lindsey’s hands in hers. “Lindsey, from the moment you told me about Kristen, I did something. And I did it selflessly.” “What was that?” Lindsey asked. Stevie stared into his piercing blue eyes. “I gave you up.” Lindsey just continued to look at her, though he wanted to scream ‘I don’t want you to give me up! I still love you Steph!’ Stevie brought Lindsey’s hand up to her face and kissed them softly. “You have always wanted children; you’ve always wanted to be married with children. And - although I know you love me - I can’t give you that. Not anymore. I’m far to use to living on my own, in my own world, doing my own thing. And I’m way past my sell-by date as far as children go.” Tears started to run down Lindsey’s cheeks. “Hey, this is new. It’s usually me crying when we have these types of conversations.” Stevie said, wiping the tears away. Lindsey chuckled. “But this time, we’re ending it for good, aren’t we?” He asked. Stevie nodded. “Lindsey Buckingham, I want you to know that I will, now and forever, always, always, always love you; with all of my heart, mind, body and soul. Although you’re having this wonderful, precious little bundle of joy with Kristen, you’ll always be mine. But you have to physically give yourself to this woman and your child.” Lindsey smiled and embraced Stevie. Their lips moved together, the familiar sense of their love for one another still as strong as ever. They pulled away from each other. “It’s just another adventure, Linds.” Stevie said, squeezing his hands.

As they stood on stage later that night, the five members of Fleetwood Mac reunited, Lindsey looked over at his beloved Stevie. She smiled over at him and he smiled back. He turned to the crowd to introduce the next song. “This next song is a new one. I wrote this not too long along, just before the band really got back together. While I was writing it I had one person – one woman – in my mind as I jotted the lyrics down. Now, as my bandmates know, lyrics don’t come as easy to me as they do to Christine or Stevie. They are born songwriters – especially Stevie, I think Chris and I both agree – and I am not. I’m a guitarist who sings and tries to write. And this next song is my latest attempt at trying to compete with these two wonderful songwriters on stage with me. I’d like to dedicate it to the woman who inspired it, and who continues to inspire me and has been my source of inspiration for over 30 years. This is ‘Bleed To Love Her’ and this is for Stevie.”

The End

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